Using Time & Attendance

Using Time & Attendance

This tracks time and attendance figures, calculate labor variance reports, and interface with your payroll system. Time & Attendance is installed with an interface to an electronic time clock. Employees clock in/out as they report to and leave work. This information is polled and imported into Time & Attendance. Once the data is imported from the clock, you have access to it in many forms. In addition to providing information on actual hours and labor analysis, Time & Attendance serves as a human resource module that contains employment data for all your employees.

Helpful Hint

You can go to the Who Is In/Out screen to see which employees are clocked in and which employees are not clocked in, at that point in time.

Daily Work Flow

  1. Employees punch in and out at the time clock.
  2. Clock is polled and data is imported into Time & Attendance, if required by your clock.
  3. Payroll is reviewed and compiled into reports.
  4. Labor analysis is calculated comparing actual payroll with standard payroll.
  5. Payroll hours and earnings are exported to your payroll processor.
  6. Data is transmitted to the corporate office for consolidated viewing and reporting.

Daily Steps

  1. Poll time clocks, if required by your clock.
  2. Print a Shift Details report.
  3. Review the pay period.
  4. Review the employee's time card for accuracy and correct any shift errors.
  5. Enter any other earnings such as vacation, sick, holiday, etc. 
  6. Approve employee shifts.
  7. If it is the end of the pay period, complete the following steps, otherwise exit to save.
    • Print EOP reports.
    • Review for accuracy.
    • Close pay period.

Caution: Every time you edit and save a shift, the program automatically calculates the payroll. However, if you made changes to the configuration of Work Rules or Employee Sets and did not save any shift changes, you must manually re-calculate (click the Re-Calculate icon).

Payroll Calculation Order

When payroll is calculated/re-calculated, the calculations are done in a specific order. As criteria is met, 


applies the next set of rules to the results of the previous rule calculation(s). For example, if there is a Shift Adjustment Rule that affects net hours and a Differential Rule that is based on net hours, 


will run the Shift Adjustment Rule(s) and apply the Differential Rules to the newly calculated net hours. Hours Distribution Rules will be applied to the results of the Differential Rule calculations and so on. If there are multiple rule sets for a rule type, the Rule Priority field will determine the appropriate calculation order within the type.

For more information, see Configuring Work Rules.

The order of rule calculations is as follows:

  1. Auto-Correction Rules
  2. Shift Adjustment Rules
  3. Differential Rules
  4. Hours Distribution Rules
  5. Regular Rate Rules
  6. Earning Rate Rules
  7. Overtime Rules
  8. Double Time Rules

After all Work Rules have been applied, 


checks to see if there are any Employee Sets that apply to the employee. Lastly, 


applies any Property configurations that affect the calculations.

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