The Employee Maintenance screen

The Employee Maintenance screen

This page provides an overview of the Employee Maintenance screen user interface. Click the links below to view more detailed information for the tabs, tasks, and controls.

Fields and controls on the Employee Maintenance screen

* Personally identifiable information has been obscured or altered in the above image.



Filter employees by:


Period Selector

Select a period for which to view employee data.

Employee Actions

Perform actions that affect multiple employee records. Option include:

  • Reconcile Employees—Opens the Reconcile Employees screen so that you can import employee information from another system (for example, HR or Payroll).
  • Change Multiple EmployeesOpens the Change Multiple Employees wizard so that you can simultaneously change multiple employee records.

    Caution: If you edit multiple employees, the data you enter is applied to all of the selected employees. Any previously entered data will be overwritten.

  • Pay Rate WizardOpens the Pay Rate Wizard so that you can simultaneously make pay rate changes to multiple employees.

    Caution: If you change pay rates for multiple employees, the data you enter is applied to all of the selected employees. Any previously entered data will be overwritten.

  • Export EmployeesOpens Export Employee dialog box so that you can export employee information to another system (for example, HR or Payroll). You can select one or multiple employees to export.
  • Manage Employee Badges—Opens the Manage Badges screen so that you can add, edit, and delete employee badge numbers.


Search for employees by name, employee number, or badge number.
5Employee pane

This pane contains the following:

  • Employee filter ( )Filter the employee list by status or job.
  • Employee listList of employees and their corresponding employee numbers. Information in the right pane corresponds to the employee selected in the employee pane.
  • Add Employee button ( )Opens the New Employee wizard for you to add a new employee.
  • Mobile Invite button ( )—Invite employees to the UniFocus Mobile App.
  • Paper Invite button ( )—Print PDF invitations for all active or new employees who have not already registered for the UniFocus Mobile App, version 2.0.
6Right pane and tabs

The right pane contains information for the selected tab, which corresponds to the employee selected in the employee pane. The Employee Maintenance screen contains the following tabs:

  • GeneralEnter basic personal, employment, Time Clock/kiosk, and contact information for an employee. Information you entered about the employee in the new Employee Wizard automatically populates the appropriate fields.
  • StatusView and/or change an employee's status. You can indicate whether an employee is Terminated, Re-hired, or on Leave of Absence. You enter the date on which changes takes effect, and add an optional note. If the employee is being terminated, you must select a Termination Reason.
  • Pay Groups

    This screen will be used for future functionality and does not affect current system performance.

  • Jobs—Identify the jobs/skills that an employee has and is qualified and trained to perform. You can also adjust an employee's wages. You also have the option of manually entering/changing the wage rate which will overwrite the previous default rate.

    Note: To view and/or edit an employee's wages, you must first be granted permission in Administration > Security. If a Default Hourly Rate was configured in System Setup and you have the appropriate permissions, that rate is automatically entered. If no default rate was configured, this will default to the Default Rate specified in the Labor Structure.

  • SchedulingEnter an employee's work preferences, such as availability, type of employee, day-off plans, and patterns. You can also enter an employee's regular or permanent schedule.
  • Schedule GroupsAssociate an employee with a particular group(s).
  • AssignmentsManage assignments for an employee.
  • Work RulesAssociate rule types with rule sets.
  • Time Clock RestrictionsDesignate specific Time Clocks that an employee may or may not use.
  • CertificationsAssociate an employee with a certification and enter the Issue Date, Start Date, and End Date of the certification.
  • I9Enter citizenship information.
  • TaxesSpecify an employee's Federal, State, and Local income tax information.

Note: For information about determining which Employee Maintenance fields are visible and which fields require data, see Employee Field Override.