Recalculate Shifts dialog box - field descriptions

Use the Recalculate Shifts dialog box to recalculate shifts and apply changes made to a configuration. Using this dialog box, you can reapply work rules such as scheduled lunch rules, to the shifts.

Note: This option is seldom used in a steady state installation.

Start Date

Beginning date of the date range for which shifts are recalculated.

Either type the date in the field or select the date from the calendar menu.

Default: Selected period.
End Date

End date of the date range for which shifts are recalculated.

Either type the date in the field or select the date from the calendar menu.

All employees for property

Select if you want shifts to be recalculated for all employees at the property.

If you do not select this check box, the recalculation applies only to employees with selected jobs.
OKButton to apply selections and recalculate shifts.
CancelButton to cancel your selections and close the dialog box.