Copy Schedules dialog box - field descriptions

You use the Copy Schedules dialog box to copy an existing schedule from one planning period to another so that you do not have to manually reenter employee and scheduling information.

Copy From Week Ending:

Drop-down list to select the date of the schedule from which you are copying.


Date is the week-ending date for planned periods.

Copy To Week Ending:Drop-down list to select the date to which you are copying.

Date is the week-ending date for planned periods.

Check boxes for each day of the weekSelect the check boxes for each day of the week you want included in the schedule.Default: All days of the week are selected.
Clear SelectionsButton to clear all check boxes in the Job Selector section. 
Expand AllButton to expand the tree menu in the Job Selector section. 
Collapse AllButton to collapse the tree menu in the Job Selector section. 
Job SelectorTree menu and check boxes for all organization layers (divisions, departments, and jobs) at the property.

Default: The selected check boxes are the jobs that have been selected for scheduling from the Select Jobs and Dates section on the Timeline Scheduling screen.

The tree menu is organized with the following levels:

  • Property
    • Division
      • Department
        • Jobs
OKButton to apply schedule selections and close the dialog box. 
CancelButton to cancel any selections you made and close the dialog box. 

For more information, see Copying schedules.