Spreadsheet Style Report

Spreadsheet Style Report

The Spreadsheet Style Report is designed for easy export to Excel for further analysis of the data.

Click the image to view a sample report.

Key Information

The report can be used for Market Segments or Revenue Centers and can be produced with volumes, average unit price and revenue, as you choose.

Report Options



Filter the amount of detail you want to view.

  • Market Segments—Displays the KBIs associated with a market segment. You designate the Market Group and Market Segment.
    • Market Group—Identifies the market group, which is usually the hotel/location. If there are multiple hotels on the property, there will be more than one market group.
  • Revenue Centers—Displays the KBIs associated with revenue centers. You designate the Revenue Center and Revenue Center Period.
    • Revenue Centers—Select individual revenue centers. If you de-select the Show Detail option, this report will also display the revenue and daily totals for the entire revenue center.
  • KBI—Displays KBIs that are not included in other revenue centers or market segments.
    • Other KBIs—Include KBIs that were created independently from revenue centers and market segments, i.e. total rooms.

Base Dataset

Displays the Year and Type of data that are grouped in an organized manner. The Base Dataset is compared with other datasets.

    • Year—Select a year of dataset. 
    • Type—Select a type of dataset. 

Date Range (Start Date/End Date)

Allows you to designate the period of time that you wish the report to cover.


Displays the volume selected.


Displays the unit price.


Displays the total revenue.

Running the Report

To run the report:

  1. Choose KBI from the Reports menu.
  2. Click Spreadsheet Style. The report options screen appears.
  3. Select the appropriate View.
  4. Select the appropriate Filter.
    • If the Market Segment option is chosen:
      • Choose the appropriate Market Group.
    • If the Revenue Center option is chosen:
      • Choose the appropriate Revenue Centers.
    • If the KBI option is chosen:
      • Choose the appropriate KBI from the Other KBIs drop-down list.
  5. Select the Year and Type of the Base Dataset
  6. Enter the Start Date and End Date for the Date Range that the report should cover.
  7. Select any or all of the Display options: Quantity, Averages and/or Revenue.
  8. Click the Run icon. The report is displayed.