Qty-Avg-Revenue Report

Qty-Avg-Revenue Report

The Qty/Avg/Revenue Report allows you to compare quantities (units), averages (room rates, covers) and revenues (quantity multiplied by average) for: forecasted KBIs, this year's actuals, last year's actuals, 6 week trends and/or reference budget, for a given date range.

Click the image to view a sample report.

Key Information

  • Compares quantities, averages and revenues for user-selected datasets.
  • Displays user-selected KBI data sets to include quantities, averages and revenue for a given date range, which are displayed in a columnar format.

Report Options



Filter the amount of detail you want to view.

  • Market Segment—Displays the KBIs associated with a market segment. You designate the Market Group, Segment Type and Market Segment.
    • Market Group—Identifies the market group, which is usually the hotel/location. If there are multiple hotels on the property, there will be more than one market group.
      If you de-select the Show Segments option, this report will display the revenue and daily totals only for the entire market segment.
    • Market Segment Type—Identifies specific groupings of guests. For example, group contract or transient guests are segments type.
    • Market Segment—Designate a specific market segment or all market segments that are associated with the Market Group and Segment Type.
    • Show Segments—Displays line-by-line details. If you choose a market group and select this option, you will see details for the entire market segment.
  • Revenue Center—Displays the KBIs associated with revenue centers. You designate the Revenue Center and Revenue Center Period.
    • Revenue Center—Select individual revenue centers. If you de-select the Show Detail option, this report will also display the revenue and daily totals for the entire revenue center.
    • RC Period—Select which periods you want to display. For example, breakfast, lunch and dinner would be periods for a room service department.
    • Show Periods—Displays line-by-line details. If you choose a revenue center and select this option, you will see details for the entire revenue center.
  • KBI—Displays KBIs that are not included in other revenue centers or market segments.
    • Other KBIs—Include KBIs that were created independently from revenue centers and market segments, i.e. total rooms.

Base Dataset

Consists of a Year and Type of data that are grouped in an organized manner. The Base Dataset is used as the basis against which other datasets are compared.

  • Year—Select a year of dataset.
  • Type—Select a type of dataset.

Comparative Dataset

Consists of a Year and Type of data that are grouped in an organized manner. The Comparative Dataset is the dataset to which the Base Dataset is compared.

    • Year—Select a year of dataset to compare.
    • Type—Select a type of dataset to compare.

Date Range

Select a start date and end date for the report.


Select data types as needed,

  • Quantity—Displays the volume selected.
  • Averages—Displays the unit price.
  • Revenue—Displays the total revenue.
  • 6 Week Trend—Displays a six week rolling average and helps you identify patterns.
  • Last Year's Actuals—Displays last year's actual data.
  • Current Year Actuals—Displays the amount of the current working year's actual data.
  • Summarize by Period—Provides period totals rather than day-by-day details.

Running the Report

To run the report:

  1. Choose KBI from the Reports menu.
  2. Click Qty / Avg / Revenue. The report options screen appears.
  3. Select the appropriate View.
  4. Select the appropriate Filter.
    • If the Market Segment option is chosen:
      • Choose the appropriate Market Group, Segment Type, and Market Segment.
      • Select or de-select Show Segments in the report.
    • If the Revenue Center option is chosen:
      • Choose the appropriate Revenue Center and RC Period.
      • Select or de-select Show Periods.
    • If the KBI option is chosen:
      • Choose the appropriate KBI from the Other KBIs drop-down list.
  5. Select the Year and Type of the Base Dataset.
  6. Select the Year and Type of the Comparative Dataset.
  7. Enter the Start Date and End Date for the Date Range that the report should cover.
  8. Select any or all of the Display options: Quantity, Averages, Revenue, 6 Week Trend, Last Year's Actuals, Current Year Actuals, and/or Summarize by Period.
  9. Click the Run icon. The report is displayed.

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