Rooms Exception Report

The Rooms Exceptions Report allows you to identify variances between total forecast rooms and total actual rooms on a daily basis.

Click the image to view a sample report.

Key Information

  • Allows you to verify that the total forecasted rooms does not exceed the total actual rooms.
  • Displays the period, date, rooms planned, rooms available and variance.

Report Options



Select data as necessary. Datasets display the Year and Type of data that are grouped in an organized manner.

    • Year—Select a year of dataset. 
    • Type—Select a type of dataset. 

Running the Report

To run the report:

  1. Choose KBI from the Reports menu.
  2. Click Rooms Exceptions to run the report.
  3. Select the Year and Type of the Dataset.
  4. Click the Run icon. The report is displayed.

This report will not print correctly unless you have updated the Generated KBI Forecast.