Daily Revenue

Daily Revenue

Report Options


Filter the amount of detail you want to view.

  • By Market Segments—Displays the KBIs associated with a market segment. You designate the Market Group, Segment Typeand Market Segment.
    • Market Group—Identifies the market group, which is usually the hotel/location. If there are multiple hotels on the property, there will be more than one market group.
      If you de-select the Show Segments option, this report will display the revenue and daily totals only for the entire market segment.
    • Market. Identifies specific groupings of guests. For example, Group, Contract or Transient guests are segments type.
    • Market Segment—Designate a specific market segment or all market segments that are associated with the Market Group and Market you selected.
  • By Revenue CentersDisplays the KBIs associated with revenue centers.
    • Revenue Center—Select individual revenue centers. If you de-select the Show Detail option, this report will also display the revenue and daily totals for the entire revenue center.
    • RC Period—Select which periods you want to display. For example, breakfast, lunch and dinner would be periods for a room service department.
  • By KBIs—Displays KBIs that are not included in other revenue centers or market segments.
    • KBIs—Include KBIs that were created independently from revenue centers and market segments, i.e. total rooms.
PeriodDenote which Period the report covers.

Running the Report

To run the report:

  1. Choose Budgeting from the Reports menu.
  2. Select KBI.
  3. Select Daily Revenue. The report options screen appears.
  4. Select the appropriate View.
  5. Select the appropriate Filter.
    • If the Market Segment option is chosen:
      • Choose the appropriate Market Group, Market, and Market Segment.
      • Select or de-select Show Segments in the report.
    • If the Revenue Center option is chosen:
      • Choose the appropriate Revenue Center and RC Period.
      • Select or de-select Show Periods.
    • If the KBI option is chosen:
      • Choose the appropriate KBI from the KBIs drop-down list.
  6. Select the appropriate Period from the drop-down menu.
  7. Click the Run icon. The report is displayed.