Periodic Budget Report

Periodic Budget Report

The Periodic Budget report displays data on a periodic basis in the same layout as your budget tree. Data is displayed by period, by quarter, or by year. This report can also be used to compare current totals to previous years.

Key Information

  • The Periodic Budget Report summarizes revenue and expenses by profit center so that you can evaluate your division/department's performance without viewing all the details. You can view budget amounts and/or percentages. The amounts you see are period totals for all total lines and calculated lines. The percentages represent the percent of line for each total line (not calculated lines) as they were configured.
  • This report generates summaries, but not detailed information, of your budget. For example, this report will show rooms revenue totals but will not show the detail lines that create the rooms revenue total. All totals are listed by dollars or percentages. This report displays total lines and calculated lines only.
  • This report mimics the budget tree structure, and prints the summary lines and detail items for each profit center. Depending on the configuration, this may be a long report.

Note: When you run for options that contain more than one set of totals (i.e. amounts and percentages), periods 1-6 are on the first set of pages, and periods 7-12 plus a total column are on the second set of pages. If run for only one option all 12 periods fit on one page.

Report Options



Choose additional options to be displayed in the report.

  • Summary-Rollup Level P&L View—Displays budget line totals by period.
  • Detail-Account Level Data—Displays amounts and KBIs by detail for each by profit center.
  • Columns—Displays columns of information.
    • Amounts Only—Displays all dollar amounts.
    • Amounts, Percents—Displays dollar amounts and percentage lines where applicable.
    • Amounts, Percentages, POR—Displays dollar amounts and percentage lines, as well as a POR column which displays the cost per occupied room for that month.
    • Amounts, Percentages, PAR—Displays dollar amounts and percentage lines as well as a PAR column which displays the cost per available room. This information is helpful with knowing expenses when occupancy has a key role.
    • Percentages Only— Displays all percentages where applicable.
    • POR Only—Displays the expenses per month per occupied room. This option displays only the POR figures across the board. This is generally a very large report due to the break down of details.
    • PAR Only—Displays each budget line expense or revenue per available room, in detail.
  • Summarize byDisplays the report with Period, Quarter, or Total summaries. If Total is selected, options to select two additional Comparative Datasets appear.
  • Lines with Zero Values—Displays all budget lines even if the data entered is zero.
  • Separator Lines—Use period separator lines to group information.
  • Show comparative variances—Displays the variance between the Base Dataset(s) and the Comparative Dataset.
  • Page break between top level lines—Inserts a page break.
  • Top level line—Select the top level budget line(s) you would like to view. You may select any or all of the budget lines.

Base Dataset(s)

Select which datasets are viewed for which periods. You may choose to view just one dataset or up to four datasets.

  • Year—Select a year of dataset.
  • Type—Select a type of dataset.
  • Starting Period—Select a year of dataset. The first dataset will always begin with period 1.

Comparative Dataset(s)

Displays the Year and Type of data that are grouped in an organized manner. Comparative Datasets are compare with the Base Datasets. You can select up to three Comparative Datasets. If you selected Totals for Summarize by, Comparative Dataset(s) 2 and 3 are visible.

  • Year—Select a year of dataset to compare.
  • Type—Select a type of dataset to compare.

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