Market Mix Report

Market Mix Report

The Market Mix Reports are derived from data entered in the market mix screens and provide information on complex trends for available segments. These reports are used to compare marketing plans to past budgets, as well as current and last year actuals. Market Mix reports also tell you which of your market segments are performing best.

Click the image to view a sample report.

Key Information

  • Displays KBIs by market segments.
  • If the Segments option is chosen, the report displays the following statistics by period: Total Rooms Available, Rooms Occupied, Occupancy %, ADR and Rev PAR, for the selected dataset, by market segment. This report also displays total Room Revenue for each segment. The report also displays totals for the comparative dataset you have selected.
  • If the Statistics option is chosen, the report displays totals by type of statistic (Rooms Available, Rooms Occupied, Occupancy %, ADR and Rev PAR), by period for the base dataset. The report also displays total Rooms Revenue for each statistic and totals for the comparative dataset you have chosen.

Report Options


Base Dataset

Displays the Year and Type of data that are grouped in an organized manner. The Base Dataset is the primary dataset displayed for a 12 month period.

  • Year—Select a year of dataset.
  • Type—Select a type of dataset.

Comparative Dataset

Select the Year and Type of data that are grouped in an organized manner. The Comparative Dataset is compared with the Base Dataset. It is a summary for the 12-month period selected.

  • Year—Select a year of dataset to compare.
  • Type—Select a type of dataset to compare.


Select additional options if necessary.

  • Segments—Displays the market segments for the chosen budget by displaying each segment's period totals for Rooms Occupied, Occupancy %, ADR, RevPAR, and Revenue.
  • Statistics—Displays the market segments for the chosen budget by displaying the period totals for rooms occupied, occupancy %, ADR, RevPAR, and revenue by segment.
  • Summarize by Quarter—Eliminate some of the detail and only view data by quarter rather than by single Period.

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