Hours and Earnings Recap

The Hours and Earnings Recap report provides a summary of all hours including overtime/double-time hours, and certain benefit hours such as sick, vacation, holiday, and bonus pay, as well as property totals for any given date range. This report is generally run on a daily basis to know yesterday's labor cost by department. When run for an entire month it produces payroll costs by department for that period. These amounts can then be compared to the P&L generated by accounting.

Use this report to generate end of the month accruals. Once the month is over (and the clock has been polled) enter a range of dates from the first day of the last pay period in the month through the last day of the month. The amounts denoted are what you should use as your payroll accrual.

Click image to view a sample report.

Key Information

  • Availability—Standard report with all installations
  • Security—Very sensitive. Denotes employee hours and may also show employee wages.
  • Options—User selects date range, Employee Class, Work Class, Shift Category, whether to have Page Breaks, type of Earnings Category(ies), and can also Filter By Division, Department, or Job and Group By Division, Department, Job or Employee. User can also determine whether Rates are displayed. If you choose to Group by Employee, the report will display a column called Pay Type which displays the type of contract in effect for the employee, if applicable. 
  • Defaults—Current pay period for all departments
  • Usage—Used to know labor costs and to create accruals
  • Data Source—System generated from time cards

Report Options

From DateStart date of the time frame for which the report will run.
To DateEnd date of the time frame for which the report will run.
Employee Class

Which Employee Classes (which are based on criteria determined when creating Employee Sets) are included in the report.

You can choose one class or All of the classes.

Work Class

Which types of work (as configured in System Setup) are included in the report.

You can choose one class or All of the classes.

Shift CategoryWhich shift categories and corresponding hours are included in the report.
Page Breaks

How to display page breaks in the report. Options include:

  • None
  • Division
  • Department
RatesWhether rates are displayed on the report.
Select / Earning CategoriesTable to select which earning categories appear in the report.
Select AllSelects all check boxes for earning categories.
De-Select AllClears all check boxes for earning categories.
Filter Selection By

Which division(s), department(s), job(s), and employees are displayed in the report.

The option you choose determines the level of detail shown. Selecting Division will only display a list of configured divisions; selecting Department will display all divisions and departments, etc.

Group Report Output By

Whether to group the report output by the following options:

  • Division
  • Department
  • Job
  • Employee
  • Employee By Department—With this option, users can group employees by department without grouping by job.
Jobs / SelectSelect the specific Jobs to be displayed in the report.

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