Avg. Hours Worked Report
This report shows all hourly associates and average number of hours worked during the specified date range. Report lists employees by their home department only (all secondary hours are combined into the home job). There are two columns denoting the average hours. The first pertains only to hours actually worked. The third column includes benefit pay such as sick pay and vacation. For example if an employee worked 50 weeks at 40 hours per week and took 2 weeks of vacation, they would display as such (when run for a 52-week period):
Employee | Avg Hours | Avg w/ Benefit | # Weeks Included |
Smith, Lucy | 38.46 | 40.00 | 52 |
Note that the report denotes the number of weeks included. If an associate was not employed for the entire time span, the averages will be adjusted to their hire date. We recommend running this report for whole weeks and not starting or ending in the middle of a pay week otherwise you could distort the averages in a short date range.
Use this report to determine certain benefit eligibility requirements and for inquiries on number of hours to budget by department during budget season.
Click the image to view a sample report.
Key Information
- Availability—Standard report
- Security—Denoted number of hours worked including benefit hours
- Options—User selects date range, employee and work classes, and the threshold to average over specified date range.
- Defaults—Current pay period for all employees that averaged (excluding benefit hours) 20 hours per week.
- Usage—Determined benefit eligibility and individual employee averages.
- Data Source—Time Cards, Enter Manually / Poll Clock / Earnings Wizard
- Terms:
- Avg Hours - Includes regular and overtime hours worked over a period of time.
- Benefit Hours - Includes average hours plus benefit hours such as sick, vacation, and holiday hours when calculating the average.
Report Options
Option | Description |
Display | From/To Date—Determine the dates that the report covers.
Filter | Filter by—Filter the report results by Division, Department or Job. |
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