Selecting & Configuring Views

Selecting & Configuring Views

There may be times when you will want to view the budgets with different comparisons, combinations of information, etc. Budgeting can configure and save multiple user-defined View configurations.

Fields on the Edit Views dialog box



Determine whether you want to see a specific period or the Total for all periods (annual total).


Select the budget scenarios you want to view.

  • Default—Displays the default information and columns.
SaveSaves the view.
Save AsSaves the view under a specific name.


Delete the current View. After deleting Views, you must click Save before proceeding to the next tab.

Dataset Statistics.

Displays the statistics settings that you select, 

The statistic settings include:

  • POP (Percent of Parent)—Calculates what percent a line is in relation to its parent line.
  • POL (Percent of Line)—Calculates what percent one line is of another line.
  • POR (Per Occupied Room)—Calculates the total dollars for the budget line divided by occupied rooms.
  • PAR (Per Available Room)—Calculates the total dollars for the budget line divided by available rooms.

Reference Datasets

Select which datasets and statistics you want to compare to the current dataset:

  • Year—Select the year of the dataset you want to view.
  • Type—Select which type of dataset you want to view (Actual, Flex, Original, EOY, Thirty, Sixty, Ninety or User-defined).
  • Statistics—Select the type of statistics you want to view. There are four types of statistics to choose from:
    • POP (Percent of Parent)—Calculates what percent a line is in relation to its parent line.
    • POL (Percent of Line)—Calculates what percent one line is of another line.
    • POR (Per Occupied Room)—Calculates the total dollars for the budget line divided by occupied rooms.
    • PAR (Per Available Room)—Calculates the total dollars for the budget line divided by available rooms.
    • Variances—Lists the datasets that you selected in the Datasets tab and you can select the type of variances you want to view.
    • Misc—Select additional columns to view.

Selecting & Configuring Views

  1. In the toolbar, click the Main Menu icon (  ).
  2. From the drop-down list, under the Financial section, select Budgeting.
    The Budgeting screen appears in a separate tab.
  3. Click Start/Update next to Manage Budget Lines in the task list.
    The Manage Budget Lines screen appears.
  4. From the drop-down list, select the View that you want to see.

Creating a New View

  1. From the drop-down list, select the View on which you want to base the new view.
  2. Click Save As.
    The Save As dialog box appears.
  3. Enter a Name for the new view.
  4. Click OK.

About Configuring the Datasets Tab

Fields on the Edit Views dialog box - Dataset tab



Select the type of statistics you want to view. There are four types of statistics to choose from:

  • POP (Percent of Parent)—Calculates what percent a line is in relation to its parent line.
  • POL (Percent of Line). Calculates what percent one line is of another line.
  • POR (Per Occupied Room). Calculates the total dollars for the budget line divided by occupied rooms.
  • PAR (Per Available Room). Calculates the total dollars for the budget line divided by available rooms.

Reference Datasets

Select which datasets and statistics you want to compare to the current dataset.

  • Year—Select the year of the dataset you want to view.
  • Type—Select which type of dataset you want to view. See About Budgets for full definitions of the types.
  • Statistics—Select the type of statistics you want to view. There are four types of statistics to choose from:
    • POP (Percent of Parent)—Calculates what percent a line is in relation to its parent line.
    • POL (Percent of Line)—Calculates what percent one line is of another line.
    • POR (Per Occupied Room)—Calculates the total dollars for the budget line divided by occupied rooms.
    • PAR (Per Available Room)—Calculates the total dollars for the budget line divided by available rooms.

Configuring the Datasets Tab

  1. The Dataset tab is the default.
  2. Click the ellipses box next to the current dataset.
    The Statistics dialog box appears.
  3. Select the Statistics type(s) that you want to view as the current dataset.

    Note: You may select any or all of the options: (POP (Percent of Parent), POL (Percent of Line), POR (Per Occupied Room), or PAR (Per Available Room)).

  4. Click OK.
    The Statistics dialog box closes and your changes are applied.
  5. From the Reference Datasets drop-down list, double-click in a Year cell and select it.
  6. From the Reference Datasets drop-down list, double-click in a Type cell and select it.
  7. Triple-click in a Statistics cell to activate the ellipses box and click it.
  8. Select the Statistics type(s) that you want to view.

    Note: You may select any or all of the options: (POP (Percent of Parent), POL (Percent of Line), POR (Per Occupied Room), or PAR (Per Available Room)).

  9. Click OK.
    The Edit Views dialog box closes and your changes are applied.
  10. (Optional) Repeat Steps 4-12 for each Reference Dataset you want to include.

Configuring the Variances Tab

The datasets that you selected in the Datasets tab, in addition to the current dataset, are listed in the Variances tab in all possible comparisons. Select which variances and type of variances you want to view.

To configure the Variances tab:

  1. Click the Variances tab.
  2. Select the type of variances you want to see (Absolute = dollar amounts or Percent = percentages).

    Note: You may select one or both of the variance types for each comparison you want to view. If there are variances that you do not want to see, do not select either option.

  3. Click Save.
    The dialog box closes and your changes are applied.

Configuring the Misc Tab

  1. Click the Misc tab.
  2. (Optional) If you would like to view the units for this budget line, Select Show Unit.
  3. (Optional) If you would like to view the column containing the note icons so that you can add or read notes, select Note.
  4. (Optional) If you would like to view the column containing the account codes associated with the budget lines, select Account Codes.
  5. From the the Budget Lines drop-down list, determine whether you want to view only the Active budget lines or All budget lines and make your selection.
  6. Click Save.
    The dialog box closes and your changes are applied.

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