Editing Budget Lines

Editing Budget Lines

There are two methods for viewing/editing the Configure/View Budget screen: Table mode and Edit mode. Table mode is not directly editable, however you can edit a budget line by double-clicking on the line itself. Edit mode displays three separate areas: Results, Comparative and Cost Structures. The Cost Structure area is directly editable and changes are immediately viewable in the Results area.

Note: If you have associated Line Config Sets (other than Master) with a budget line, you will only be able to edit Line Type, Factor Mode and all line specific fields below the dividing line.

Fields on the Manage Budget Lines screen



Saves changes to the screen.


Refreshes the screen.


View a specific budget period or the totals for all periods.


Select budget scenarios to view.

Edit Views

Configure and edit user-defined scenarios.

Switch to edit mode/Switch to table mode

Edit cost structure data and view the changes immediately.

Lock/Unlock Budget Structure

Make changes to the budget structure, such as creating new lines or editing existing lines, when locked. When unlocked, changes cannot be made to the budget structure.

Budget Lines

See Budget Lines for a full explanation.

Account Code

Displays the account code associated with that budget line.

Splitter Bars

Re-size panes for easier viewing.