General Tab (Config-View Budgeting)

General Tab (Config-View Budgeting)

Fields on the Edit/View Lines dialog box - General tab



Denotes the name of the budget line.


Denotes an alternate short name for the budget line.

Regular Costs Account

Assign an account code to the budget line.
Regular Hours AccountAssign an account code to the budget line.
OT Costs AccountAssign an account code to the budget line.
OT Hours AccountAssign an account code to the budget line.

Line Type

Identifies the type of budget line.

Allocation Type

Specify how the budget line is allocated (see About Allocation Types).

  • None—Denotes that you do not want this budget line to be allocated.
  • Fixed—Denotes that you want to assign specific allocation percentages for this budget line.
  • Variable


    determines how a budget line should be allocated.

Factor Mode

Determines which elements of the formula have the factor applied. Factors adjust for circumstances.

There are three formulas that can be selected:

  • Variable—Total Dollars = Units × Rate × Factor + Fixed.
  • Fixed—Total Dollars = Units × Rate + Fixed × Factor.
  • Both—Total Dollars = Units × Rate × Factor + Fixed × Factor.

Show % of Line based on

Determine which line is to be used when calculating the relationship with the budget line you are editing.

Show % of Parent



that you want to calculate the relationship between the budget line you are editing and its parent.


Designate whether this is an active or inactive budget line.


Designates the budget lines as discretionary.

Show on Reports

Denotes that the budget line should be visible on reports.


Select the division to be used for the hours forecast.

DepartmentSelect the department to be used for the hours forecast.
JobSelect the job to be used for the hours forecast.
Use Salaried FactorSelect for jobs with a Salaried Standard.Only use this field if the job you selected is using a Salaried Standard.
OKApplies you changes to the budget line.
CancelCancels the changes to the budget line and closes the dialog box.

Accessing the General Tab

  1. Click the General tab.
  2. Do one of the following:
    1. Edit the fields above the dividing line as needed.
    2. Proceed to the section pertaining to the type of budget line you are editing.
    • Click on the next tab you want to edit.

There are eight different budget lines you can edit, which include:

Editing Total Lines (T)

To edit total lines below the dividing line:

  1. Determine whether the new line should be added or subtracted from its parent, and select either Add or Subtract as the Parent Line Operation.
  2. Click OK.

Editing Calculated Lines (C)

  1. Determine whether you need to Add Existing Lines or to Remove Lines from the Calculation Configuration.
    • To Add Lines to the calculation:
      1. Click Add Line.
      2. Select a budget line from the Allocation Line list.
      3. Select an Operation Type from the drop-down list.
      4. Click OK.
      5. (Optional) Repeat Steps a-d as needed.
      6. Do one of the following:
        • Click OK to return to the Manage Budget Lines screen
        • Click on the next tab you want to edit.
    • To remove lines from the calculation:
      1. Click budget line that you want to remove from the calculation, to activate it.
      2. Click Remove Line.
      3. Do one of the following:
        • Click OK to return to the Manage Budget Lines screen
        • Click on the next tab you want to edit.

Editing Job Class Lines (J)

  1. Select the job to be used for the hours forecast by selecting the appropriate Division, Department, and Job from the drop-down lists. 
  2. Click Change Job Class Configuration to view and edit the configuration of the job class.
  3. Click OK.

Editing KBI Lines (K)

  1. Select the KBI to be used for the forecast. 
  2. Click OK.

Editing Market Segment Lines (M)

  1. Select the Market Segment and Market Group to be used for the rooms forecast.
  2. Click OK.

Editing Revenue Center Lines (R)

  1. Select the Revenue Center and Revenue Center Period to be used for the forecast.

Editing Percent of Base Lines (P)

  1. Click Add under the Base Line(s) section.
    The Select Base Line dialog box appears.
  2. Select the line or lines you want to be used in the calculation.

    Note: You can select multiple lines by holding down the CTRL key while clicking on the budget lines.

  3. Click OK.
  4. Select either Total Dollars, Units or FTEs for the calculation method.
  5. Click OK.

    Note: If you select Calculate using Units, all Base Line(s) must be the same type of lines. For example, if you select a Total line as the first base line, all other Base Lines must be Total lines. If calculating using Total Dollars or FTEs, the Base Lines can be different types.

Editing Fixed Lines (F)

  1. Fixed lines do not require any further information than that requested above the dividing line. Click OK unless you want to work on other tabs.
  2. Click OK.

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