Configuring Allocations

Configuring Allocations

Configuring allocations is the next step in creating budget lines.

Terms related to configuring allocations


Allocation Type

Specify how the budget line is allocated.

  • None—Denotes that you do not wish this budget line to be allocated.
  • Fixed—Assigns specific allocation percentages for this budget line.
  • Variable


    determines how a budget line should be allocated.

Line Total

Identifies the budget line to which you are allocating.

Percent (Fixed)

Specify the percentage amount that you want allocated to that budget line. The percentages assigned to the budget lines must add up to 100%.

Percent Line (Variable)

Select the budget lines that 


will use to determine the allocation percent.

Add Line

Select an existing budget line to be used in the allocation.

Remove Line

Remove a line from the allocation.

Calculate percentages based on Units

Select to have all percentage calculations based on Units rather than the default Dollars.

Configuring Fixed Allocations

If you selected Fixed as the allocation type in Step 6 of Creating Budget Lines, you will use the following procedures to complete the configuration process.

Note: The top line in the tree represents the name of your property and cannot be selected as a Parent Line.

Adding an Existing Line

To add an existing budget line for the allocation:

  1. Click Add Line.
    The Add Line screen appears.
  2. Select the line to be allocated.

    Note: If the line is not currently a Percent of Base line it will be converted during this process.

  3. Click OK.
    You are returned to the Allocations screen.
  4. Double-click in the appropriate cell under Percent and enter the allocation percent.
  5. (Optional) Repeat Steps 1-4 for each allocation you want to perform.
  6. Select or de-select Calculate percentages based on Units.
  7. Click Finish.

Configuring Variable Allocations

If you selected Variable as the allocation type in Step 6 of Creating Budget Lines, you will use the following procedures to complete the configuration process.

Note: The top line in the tree represents the name of your property and cannot be selected as a Parent Line.

Adding an Existing Line

To add an existing budget line for the allocation:

  1. Click Add Line.
    The Add Line screen appears.
  2. Select the line to be allocated.

    Note: If the line is not currently a Percent of Base line it will be converted during this process.

  3. Click Next.
  4. Select the Percent Line you want to use to calculate the percent.
  5. Click Finish.
  6. (Optional) Repeat Steps 1-5 for each allocation you want to perform.

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