Mobile - version 9.18


Attendance point tracking for the Mobile App  (19079)

The Mobile App now features the ability to track and display employees' attendance points. If attendance point tracking is configured for your organization, the Mobile App Call-ins screen displays a balance for the employee's attendance points (based on the configured time frame) and the ability to access details about the attendance points.

Note: Attendance Points functionality is configured in the Mobile system setup screen.

More more information, see Attendance Points for the UniFocus Mobile App.

Improved notification of changes to employee time off requests (18782)

In previous releases, employees received a push notification when a manager responded to an employee request only through the UniFocus Mobile App.

In this release, the Mobile App has been updated so that, when a manager responds to an employee request through either 


or through the Mobile App, a push notification notifies the employee of the change.