Fixed issues in version 9.17

Summary of issues fixed in this release

18242For installations of WPS software that include multiple databases, the WPS software correctly opens to the current active database.
18650The Property field on the Task Scheduler screen now correctly defaults to the property to which the user is logged in.
18722Productivity goals are now consistently recorded in the Labor Structure screen.
17734On the Employee Schedules screen of the Mobile App, the employee names in the Name column stay aligned with their respective shifts when users scroll through the list.
18314In the UniFocus Mobile App, the Time Off Request screen header no longer disappears after a user swipes through three requests.
18495In the Mobile App, when performing a shift giveaway, employees see a list of all other employees who have the same job and no conflicts for the day of the shift.
19862The message in the UniFocus Mobile App invitation email no longer references managers' UniFocus user names. 
20239Emails containing employee schedules are now correctly formatted.
Time & Attendance
18484The Earnings Approval Wizard now correctly approves all earnings.
Time Clock
18463Administrative users the with the appropriate permission can enroll employees at Time Clocks, regardless of employees' scheduled shift length or any existing violations.

Fixed Issues




For installations of 


software that include multiple databases, the 


software correctly opens to the current active database.


For installations of 


software that include multiple databases, users can change their database from any screen in the application. By default, the software should open with the current active database selected.

In some instances of previous releases, for installations of 


software that included multiple databases, the software opened to the first database record in the uniportal.userdatabase table for that portaluser rather than the current active database.

Note: This issue affected only installations with multiple databases. It had no impact on single-database installations.


The software has been updated so that in installations that include multiple databases, the 


software correctly opens to the current active database.

Updated versionsVersion 9.14 and later.


SummaryThe Property field on the Task Scheduler screen now correctly defaults to the property to which the user is logged in.

In some instances of previous releases, the Property field on the Task Scheduler screen did not correctly default to the property to which the user was logged in.


The software has been updated so that the Property field on the Task Scheduler screen now correctly defaults to the property to which the user is logged in.

Updated versionsVersion 9.14 and later.




Productivity goals are now consistently recorded in the Labor Structure screen.


In some instances of previous releases, productivity goals (in the Productivity column) are saved differently depending on how they are entered in the Labor Structure screen:

  • If you pressed the Enter key on a keyboard after entering the productivity goal, the application saved three decimal spaces.
  • If you clicked OK after entering the productivity goal, the application rounded from three to two decimal places.
SolutionThe software has been updated so that regardless of how productivity goals are entered in the Labor Structure, the goal is saved to three decimal spaces.



SummaryOn the Employee Schedules screen of the UniFocus Mobile App, the employee names in the Name column stay aligned with their respective shifts when users scroll through the list.

On the Employee Schedules screen of the Mobile App, the employee names in the Name column should always be aligned with their respective shifts.

In some instances of previous Mobile App releases, when managers scrolled through employee schedules on the Employee Schedules screen, only the names scrolled. The shifts column froze, causing a misalignment of employee names with their respective shifts.

SolutionThe Mobile App software has been updated so that employee names in the Name column stay aligned with their respective shifts when users scroll through the list on the Employee Schedules screen.
Updated VersionsVersion 9.15 and later.


SummaryIn the UniFocus Mobile App, the Time Off Request screen header no longer disappears after a user swipes through three requests.
DescriptionIn previous releases of the UniFocus Mobile App, the Time Off Request screen header would disappear after a user swiped through three requests.
SolutionThe software has been updated so that the Time Off Request screen header remains on the screen when users swipe through requests.
Updated versionsVersion 9.14 and later.


SummaryIn the UniFocus Mobile App, when performing a shift giveaway, employees see a list of all other employees who have the same job and no conflicts for the day of the shift.

In the Mobile App, when performing a shift giveaway, employees should see a list of all other employees who have the same job and no conflicts for the day of the shift.

In some instances of previous Mobile App releases, employees who were performing a shift give-away would not see employees with shifts that occurred at any time during the day of the shift, even if other employees' shifts did not conflict with the specific shift in the give-away request.

SolutionThe Mobile App software has been updated so that employees performing a shift giveaway see a list of all other employees who have the same job and no conflicts for the day of the shift.
Updated versionsVersion 9.15 and later.



The message in the UniFocus Mobile App invitation email no longer references managers' UniFocus user names. 


In previous releases, when managers invited employees to join the UniFocus Mobile App, the invitation email contained a message that referenced the managers' user names:

<User Name> has invited you to access the employee mobile application.

This message could be confusing because employees might not know the system user name of their managers.

The software has been updated so that when managers invite employees to join the UniFocus Mobile App, the invitation email contains a message that does not reference managers' user names:

You have been invited to register for the UniFocus Mobile App.

Updated versionsVersion 9.10 and later.


SummaryEmails containing employee schedules are now correctly formatted.

When employees enable email notifications for Scheduling, they receive an email when managers publish their schedules. In some instances of previous releases, the emails containing the employees’ schedules appeared as a line of text rather than a table. The line of text was very difficult to read.

SolutionEmailed schedules now display in an easily readable table.
Updated versionsVersion 9.16 and later.

Time & Attendance



The Earnings Approval Wizard now correctly approves all earnings.


In some instances of previous releases, the Earnings Approval Wizard (Review Pay Period > Pay Period Management > Earnings Approval Wizard) timed out when managers tried to approve all earnings for a large number of employees.


The software has been updated so that the Earnings Approval Wizard now correctly approves all earnings.

Updated versionsVersion 9.17 and later.

Time Clock


SummaryAdministrative users the with the appropriate permission can enroll employees at Time Clocks, regardless of employees' scheduled shift length or any existing violations.

In the UniFocus Time Clock, administrative users with the permission to enroll employees should be able to enroll any employee, regardless of scheduled shift length or any existing violations.

In some instances of previous releases, users were unable to enroll employees at Time Clocks if employees had scheduled shifts that were over the maximum daily hours work rule limit, as indicated on the scheduled shifts. Users would receive exception errors when attempting to enroll.

SolutionThe software has been updated so that administrative users the with the appropriate permission can enroll employees at Time Clocks, regardless of employees' scheduled shift length or any existing violations.
Updated versionsVersion 9.15 and later.