
Report Options

  • Mode—Determine whether the information is displayed by Pay Period, Weekly or Monthly.
    • Pay Period/Weekly/Monthly—Displays the Pay Period, Week, or Month.
  • Real Time—Display data as of the present date and time.
  • Last Actuals Date—Display data from the last Actuals date.

Configure Columns—Denote what should appear in which columns. For example: Earning Types, Shift Categories, Work Classes, etc.

  • Add All—Add all Available earning types.
  • Add Selected—Add the selected Available earning types.
  • Remove Selected—Remove the Selected earning types.
  • Remove All—Remove all the selected earning types.

Running the Report

To run the report:

  1. Choose Excel Reports from the Reports menu.
  2. Click All Excel and select Manning Report. The Options dialog box appears.
  3. Select a Mode.
  4. Select the appropriate Pay Period/Weekly/Monthly from the drop-down menu.
  5. Select or de-select Real Time.
  6. Enter a date for Last Actuals Date if different than the default.
  7. Click the Configure Columns button.
  8. Click on the ellipses button in the right column.
    1. if you wish to include all available choices: 
      1. Click the All Available icon.
    2. If you wish to include a specific choice(s): 
      1. Select the Available earning types. Note: to select multiple choice(s), hold down the Ctrl key and click on the types.
      2. Click the Add Selected icon.
    3. If you wish to exclude a specific choice(s) previously selected:
      1. Select the specific Selected choice(s). Note to select multiple earning types, hold down the Ctrl key and click on the types.
      2. Click the Remove Selected icon.
    4. If you wish to exclude all choices previously selected:
      1. Click the Remove All icon.
    5. Click OK.
  9. Repeat Steps 8-9 for each column.
  10. Click OK.
  11. Click OK.
  12. Locate the place where you want to Save the file.
  13. Enter a File Name if different than the default.
  14. Click Save. The report is displayed.