The Settings screen

You use this screen to specify the properties, date ranges, and display units for the report screens.

Available Properties

Tree menu of region and properties.

Select a check box for a region to select the region and all properties that it includes.

Select individual property check boxes to select individual properties.

Default: None selected.

Primary Date Range

Drop-down menu to select the date ranges or the individual days you are viewing.

Options include:

  • Previous Month—Select to display information for the previous month.
  • Current Month—Select to display information for the current month.
  • Year to Date—Select to display information for the past calendar year to the current day.
  • Last 30 Days—Select to display information for the last 30 days.
  • Last Week—Select to display information for the previous reporting week.
  • Previous Month—Select to display information for the previous calendar month.
  • Previous Pay Period—Select to display information for the most recently closed pay period.
  • Previous Quarter—Select to display information for the previous quarter, as defined by the property.
  • This Week—Select to display information for the current reporting week.
  • By a specific date—Opens a calendar menu to select a specific day for which information is displayed.
  • Dates before—Opens a calendar menu to select a specific day. The report displays information for all days before the selected day.
  • Dates after—Opens a calendar menu to select a specific day. The report displays information for all days after the selected day.
  • Custom date range—Opens a dual-calendar menu. Use the calendar on the left to select the starting date and the calendar on the right to select the end date of the custom range.
Default: Date range selected in most recent Attendance Dashboard session.
Select DatabaseDrop-down menu to select database to which the Attendance Dashboard points.

Default: Database selected in most recent Attendance Dashboard session.

This field only appears if there is more than one database for your organization.

Display Units

Radio buttons for selecting the units in which the gauges on the At a Glance report page display information.

Options include:

  • Raw Values—Number of violations.
  • Percentage—Percentage of violations. Calculation: (Number of violations) ÷ (Number of shifts).
  • Per 1,000 Shifts—Number of violations per 1,000 shifts. Calculation: (Number of violations × 1,000) ÷ (Number of shifts).

Default: Display unit selected in most recent Attendance Dashboard session.

CancelLink to close the Settings screen without applying selections. 
Save ChangesLink to save your selections and close the Settings screen.Â