Release Notes 9.04.01

Release Notes 9.04.01



release 9.04.01 includes:

  • New requirements for the Taxes tab in Employee Maintenance.
  • A security improvement for reopening a pay period.
  • An improvement to the Enter Actual Hours screen.
  • Improvements to how the Mobile App displays benefit balances.
  • Variable point tip pool enhancements in

    Time & Attendance

  • Improvements to Time Clock functionality and usability.


New requirements for Taxes tab in Employee Maintenance  (10779) 

When creating a new employee with a State Tax requirement, users must select a Claim Status and a State. If these selections are not made, users cannot create a new employee. Taxes must be Visible and Required (System Setup > Employee > Employee Field Override) for this feature to work.

Administration, Time & Attendance

Security improvement for reopening a pay period  (10807)

In previous releases, users had to enter a password to reopen a pay period. 

In this release, users no longer have to enter a password to reopen a pay period (Main Menu > Time & Attendance > Review Pay Period > gear menu > Re-Open Prior Pay Period). Reopening a pay period is now based on user permissions. Users must be granted Watson Admin or System Admin permissions to reopen a pay period.


Enter Actual Hours screen displays manual entries from Time & Attendance (11126)

In previous versions, the Enter Actual Hours screen (Labor > Actuals > Enter Actual Hours) displayed the actual hours that were collected in only the following ways:

  • Through file-based imports.
  • From employee Time Clock punches.

The screen did not display records of actual hours that managers manually entered in Time & Attendance.

In this release, the Enter Actual Hours screen displays actual hours that were collected in the following ways:

  • Through file-based imports.
  • From employee Time Clock punches.
  • From manual entries in Time & Attendance.


Mobile App displays benefit balances (10707) 

In previous releases, employees could not view their benefit balances in the Mobile App.  

In this release, users can now configure the Mobile App to display benefit balances, and employees can now view their benefit balances in the Mobile App. These balances are based on the last closed pay period.  

  • Setting the Mobile App to display benefits: Users can set which benefits employees can view in the Mobile App. The Edit Mobile dialog box (System Setup > Mobile > Edit) now includes an Allow Benefits checkbox that users select to display benefit balances to employees using the Mobile App.
  • Setting the Mobile App to display accrual earnings types: Users can set which accrual earning types (such as Sick Accrual and Vacation Accrual) employees can view in the Mobile App. For accrual earning types, the Include In section of the Edit Earning Type dialog box (System Setup > Earning Types > Edit) now includes a Mobile checkbox that users can select to display accrual earning types to employees using the Mobile App.

  • Viewing benefits in the Mobile App: Employees can now view benefits in the Mobile App. A Benefits button appears on the Mobile App home screen. Employees press this button to see the benefit types that were set up in RMS to appear in their mobile accounts.

Reports, Time & Attendance

Earnings Detail Report no longer displays a sum for the Amount column  (11114)

In previous releases, the Earnings Detail Report displayed a sum for the Costs in the Totals section but did not provide a sum for Amounts. 

In this release, the Earnings Detail Report now displays the sum for Amounts in the Totals section. The total Amounts sum is based on the unit of measure. 

Time & Attendance

Manager access to employee time off requests  (10951)

In previous releases, managers who did not have access to Employee Maintenance were unable to approve or deny employees’ time off requests. However, if managers’ security permissions were set to deny all Employee Maintenance items except for time off requests, they were still able to access Employee Maintenance through the Scheduling screen (Main Menu > Labor > Scheduling) by right-clicking on an employee’s name and selecting the Edit Employee option.

In this release, permission settings have been changed so that managers who do not have access to Employee Maintenance can now approve or deny employees’ time off requests. Also, if managers’ security permissions are set to deny all Employee Maintenance items except for time off requests, they are now unable to access Employee Maintenance through the Scheduling screen.

Variable Point Tip Pools enhancements  (11185: 11186, 11187, 11188)

This release includes enhancements to how variable point tip pools are calculated:

  • Points per hour vs. points per day (11186): When configuring a Sub-Pool in a Variable Points Tip Pool Type, users can now select either Points Per Hour or Points Per Day to more accurately pay tips.
  • TIp Pool linked to Time Card  (11187):  Users can now view actual hours for employees and verify the source of their tip amounts. This enhancement allows users to view Time Cards for each employee.
  • Configuring variable shift times (11188):This improvement includes the following: 
    • Start and end times for tip pools: Users can now configure start and end times of a tip pool to ensure that only employees who have worked during the specified time frame are paid tips from this pool. A new Show Eligible Times option has been added to the Tip Pool Wizard. When this option is selected, users are prompted to enter the start time and the end time for the pool. The tip pool will then only consider the hours worked during that time range to populate the Hours Worked column. This feature has been added in the following two places:
      •  A new Time Ranged option has been provided in the tip pool type setup. When selected, it allows a payroll administrator to set qualified start and end times 
      • When Time Ranges are configured at the tip pool type level, a new option to Override Time Range is available in the tip pool wizard. When selected, it allows a payroll administrator to set a new start and end times for that particular tip pool distribution
    • New Option – Daily Minimum Qualifying Hours: Users can now configure daily minimum qualifying hours of a tip pool to ensure that only employees who have worked a minimum number of hours are paid tips from this pool.
      • When the Time Ranged option has been selected in the tip pool type setup, a payroll administrator can set minimum qualified hours requirements for that tip pool type.
      • When Time Ranges are configured at the tip pool type level, the new option to Override Time Range is available in the tip pool wizard. When selected, it allows a payroll administrator to set a new minimum qualifying hours requirement for that particular tip pool distribution
    • When Per Hour points allocation is selected for a Variable Points Tip Pool Type, qualifying hours will include all worked hours (regular and OT)

Holiday worked earnings for last job worked  (10820)

In previous releases, users could only pay employees their holiday worked earnings at the rate of their home job rather than at the rate of the last job they worked.  

In this release, users can now pay employees their holiday worked earnings at the rate of the last job they worked rather than only at the rate of their home job. In the Daily Differential Work Rule, the Holiday Differential item now includes a Maximum Hours Paid factor.

Time & Attendance, Time Clock

Earnings disputes in Time Clock and Time & Attendance  (10725)

In this release, the following improvements have been made to both the Time Clock and Time & Attendance:

  • The Time Clock now features an Earning Adjustments screen. Employees use the Approve, Dispute, and Postpone buttons acknowledge managers' edits to earnings. This new feature improves the accuracy of payroll.
  • In Time & Attendance, the Disputes (Main Menu > Time & Attendance > Review Pay Period > select employee to Review Time Card > Disputes) tab now displays employees' disputes that were entered in Time Clocks.

Time Clock

Meal-only mode for Time Clocks  (11145)

Users can now configure a meal-only mode for a Time Clock. If a Time Clock is used only in a cafeteria, setting the meal-only mode disables all basic punches so that only the Meal, Break & Meal, and Out & Meal buttons appear on the employee Welcome screen.

In the Time Clock Configuration dialog box:

  • The Misc Settings tab now includes an Enable Meal Punches check box.
  • The Advanced Settings tab now includes a Time Clock Mode drop-down menu, which includes a Meal option. 

ON and OFF buttons for access control  (11244)

Users can now configure Time Clocks to display ON and OFF buttons to control employee access. The ON button indicates that the employee is on site; the OFF button indicates that the employee is off site. For example, if a Time Clock is linked to a turnstile, users can configure the Time Clock so that:

  • When employees enter a location, they press ON to log in and unlock the turnstile or door.
  • When employees leave a location, they press OFF to log out and lock the turnstile or door.

If the Enable Access Mode check box is selected in the Advanced Settings tab of the Time Clock Configuration dialog box, the ON and OFF buttons appear on the Time Clock screen. 

Bypass biometric authentication for individual Time Clocks  (11095)  

In previous releases, all Time Clocks in a property-level configuration required the same authentication method. Users could only disable biometric authentication for all Time Clocks in a location. In this release, users can now disable biometric authentication for individual Time Clocks (version 52 or higher) in a property-level configuration. 

In the Time Clock Configuration dialog box, the Advanced Settings tab now includes a Bypass Authentication checkbox that users can select to disable biometric authentication for a single Time Clock. To apply the change,users must contact UniFocus Technical Support to change the password of the day. 

Button size and labels on Time Clocks  (11181)

In previous releases, multi-character button-label text enlarged buttons, causing other buttons to wrap to other rows or screens. For example, the MEAL & OUT button label resized the button and caused the last button in the row, the OUT button, to wrap to the second row.

In this release, the character length of button labels no longer affects the size of buttons and causes them to resize and wrap. All buttons remain in the same position on the Time Clock screens.

Time Clocks search for only active employees at a property  (10406)

In previous releases, when properties were flagged for cross-property employee use, cross-property employees who were enrolled in the Time Clock at their primary property and then transferred to a secondary property could not be enrolled in the Time Clock at the secondary property. Because the Time Clock at the secondary property searched for the employee statuses across all properties, it found the inactive statuses associated with the primary property and denied enrollment.

In this release, all Time Clocks—including those at properties flagged for cross-property employee use—search for only active employees on the property level. Users must enroll cross-property employees in the Time Clocks for each location at which they work.

New punch lockout warning message for Time Clock  (11164)

In previous releases, for Time Clocks that were configured to provide warning messages if an employee punched in or out too early, the lockout warning message contained the following text:

 You may not be paid for the additional time.

To an employee, this statement could be perceived as a threat of not being paid.

In this release, for Time Clocks that are configured to provide warning messages if an employee punches in or out too early, the lockout warning message contains the following text: 

This punch may require manager authorization.

The new, revised message makes no reference to employees' pay and cannot be perceived as threat of not being paid.