Three Period Forecast Comparison

Three Period Forecast Comparison

With the Three Period Forecast Comparison, you can compare two datasets to the 30/60/90 dataset. At a glance you will be able to see detailed variances between each comparative dataset and the 30/60/90 Dataset, by quarter, broken down into periods. This report must be configured in the Report Builder prior to running for the first time. However, this report shares the same configuration as the Owner by Period and Owner by Total reports, so if you have already configured either one of those reports, you won't need to configure this report.

Click the image to view a sample report.

Key Information

This report displays the percent of change between the comparative datasets, as well as the 30-day, 60-day and 90-day forecast and the percent of change between Comparative Dataset 2 and the forecast.

Report Options


30/60/90 Dataset

Consists of a Year and Type of data that are grouped in an organized manner. Datasets 1 & 2 are compared to the 30/60/90 Dataset.

  • Year—Select a year of dataset.
  • Quarter—Select the 30/60/90 period.

Comparative Datasets 1 & 2

Consist of a Year and Type of data that are grouped in an organized manner. Datasets 1 & 2 are the datasets to which the 30/60/90 Dataset is compared.

  • Year—Select a year of dataset to compare.
  • Type—Select a type of dataset to compare.