Hotel Financial Report

This report displays a base dataset and three comparative datasets with variances between the comparatives and the base, % of Line and POR or PAR statistics for the selected datasets, for a single period. An optional flow through calculation appears at the bottom of the report.

The lines displayed on the report are configured in the Report Builder.

Click the image to view a sample report.


  • Flow through calculation = Value 1 (sum of all lines with a tag of "value1") ÷ Value 2 (sum of all lines with a tag of "value2").
    • If Values 1 and 2 are both positive, flow through = Value 2 ÷ Value 1
    • If Values 1 and 2 are both negative and Value 2 is greater than Value 1, flow through = 1 - (Value 2 ÷Value 1)
    • If Value 1 is negative and Value 2 is positive, flow through = 1 - (Value 2 ÷ Value 1)
    • If Values 1 and 2 are both negative and Value 2 is less than Value 1, flow through = -(Value 2 ÷ Value 1)
    • If Value 1 is positive and Value 2 is negative, flow through = Value 2 ÷ Value 1 - 1
    • If Values 1 and 2 are negative and Value 1 is equal to Value 2, flow through = 0.0.
  • POR/PAR = (total dollars for each budget line) ÷ (total occupied rooms/available rooms)
  • Variances = (base - comparative) ÷ comparative × 100

Note: KBI and calculated lines do not display POR or PAR data or % of Line data.

Report Options


Base Dataset                          

Consists of a Year and Type of data that are grouped in an organized manner. The Base Dataset is used as the basis against which the comparative datasets are compared.

  • Year—Choose which year of the dataset you wish to use for the basis.
  • Type—Choose which type of dataset you wish to use for the basis.

Comparative Datasets 1, 2, 3

Consist of a Year and Type of data that are grouped in an organized manner. Datasets 1 - 3 are the datasets which are compared to the Base Dataset.

  • Year—Choose which year of the dataset you wish to use as a comparison.
  • Type—Choose which type of dataset you wish to use as a comparison.


Determine whether you wish to see POR or PAR data.


Determine which period the report covers.

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