Owner By Period Report

Owner By Period Report

The Owner by Period Report displays profit center totals by period in a format typically used by owners. You can also choose to compare the base dataset to another dataset. With this report, you can evaluate your profit centers and how they are performing in relation to each other.

This report must be configured in the Report Builder prior to running for the first time. However, this report shares the same configuration as the Owner by Total and Quarterly 30/60/90 reports, so if you have already configured either one of those reports, you would not need to configure this report.

Key Information

  • Provides a performance overview of profit centers by period, by amounts, or by percentages.
  • Allows for one configurable reference dataset.
  • Displays the following information:
    • Profit center totals by period.
    • Totals for either amounts only or percentages only.
  • This report prints in a format typically used by owners and is on one page.

Configuration options


Sort By

Designate whether the report is displayed in Amounts or Percentages.

  • Amount—Displays dollar amounts only. When selecting owner reports you have the option to view by amount or percentage, but not both.
  • Percentage—Displays budgeted percentages for every line. Viewing by percentages help determine the efficiency of a particular area.

    Note: There may be some line items that do not show a percentage if the line item has not been configured.


Select the data you want to be displayed. Datasets consist of a Year and Type of data that are grouped in an organized manner.

  • Year—Select a year of dataset
  • Type—Select a type of dataset.

Comparative Dataset

Compare the base dataset to a comparative dataset. Only the annual totals are displayed for the comparative dataset.

If None was chosen on the option screen, this column will not be visible.

Compare variances from one dataset to another to properly analyze the budget performance.

  • Variance = Base − Comparative
  • Percent Variance = Variance ÷ Comparative Dataset

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