

About Creating Snapshots

It can be helpful to capture data for a specific day that you can use as a comparison. For example, you may find that you want to monitor your expenses on or around the 15th of each month. By taking a snapshot on that day, you can view what your budget looked like, and compare it to previous and/or subsequent months. This function will allow you to spot trends, recurring problem areas, etc.

Note that you can only create snapshots when Current is selected from the History drop-down list.

Terms & Definitions

History Type

Allows you to select which pre-configured Type this snapshot will reflect. History Types are created in the Profit History Types screen of the Configuration menu. When you create the Final snapshot for the period, this tells the system to advance to the next EPEP period, and you will no longer be able to create snapshots for this period.

Snapshot Type

Allows you to determine the level of detail you want to see.

  • Summary. Creates a snapshot that only preserves the summary data for all transactions that occured in that account up to and including, the date of your snapshot. Summary snapshots do not save any detailed transactions.
  • Detail. Creates a snapshot that preserves all transactions that occured in that account up to and including, the date of your snapshot.

Creating Snapshots

To create a snapshot from the View Profit screen:

  1. Select Current XX/XX/XXXX in the History drop-down list.
  2. Click Create Snapshots
  3. Select a Snapshot Type from the drop-down menu.
  4. Select either Detailed or Summary.
  5. Click OK.

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