Viewing Options

Viewing Options

About Viewing Options

Terms & Definitions


Allows you to select the options that you would like to view.

  • PTD Actual & RP Amounts. Displays amounts for period-to-date and remaining period.
  • POR/PAR/Percent of Parent/Percent of Line. Displays data for per occupied room, per available room, percent of parent, and percent of line.

Comparative Dataset

Consists of a Year and Type of data that are grouped in an organized manner. The Comparative Dataset is the dataset to which the Base Dataset is compared.

  • Year. Allows you to choose which year of the dataset you want to use as a comparison.
  • Type. Allows you to choose which type of dataset you want to use as a comparison.
  • PE vs. Comparative/Flex vs. Comparative. Allows you to display a comparison between Period End data and the Comparative Dataset and/or compare Flex data with the Comparative Dataset.

Viewing Options

To select options to view:

  1. Click View Options in the toolbar. 
  2. Select any or all of the Display options. (PTD Actual & RP Amounts, POR/PAR/Percent of Parent/Percent of Line)
  3. Select any or all of the Comparative Dataset options (Year, PE vs. Comparative/Flex vs. Comparative).
  4. Click OK.