Working with the Issues and Opportunities screen

Working with the Issues and Opportunities screen

 Click here for instructions on accessing the Issues and Opportunities screen

  1. In the toolbar, click the Analytics Menu icon (  ).
  2. From the drop-down list, under the Labor Dashboard section, select Issues and Opportunities.
    In a new tab, the Issues and Opportunities screen opens to the Setting dialog box.

 Click here for instructions on using the Settings dialog box.

Using the Basic Setup tab

  1. Access the Settings dialog box of Labor Dashboard:
    • If you are accessing the desired Labor Dashboard screen, the Setting dialog box appears after you select the screen from the main menu.

       Click here for instructions on accessing the Labor Dashboard.

      1. In the toolbar, click the Analytics Menu icon (  ).
      2. From the drop-down list, under the Labor Dashboard section, select one of the dashboard screens:
        • At a Glance
        • Issues and Opportunities
        • Metrics and Reports
        • Trends
        • Property Ranking
        • Last Week Next Week
        • Best Available Data

      In a new tab, the selected Labor Dashboard screen opens to the Setting dialog box.

    • If you are already working in a Labor Dashboard screen, click Settings.
      The Setting dialog box appears.

       Click here for field descriptions of the Basic Setup tab

      Fields on the Basic Setup tab of the Settings dialog box for Labor Dashboard

      Select Properties
      Search Properties

      Search field for properties.

      As you type search criteria in the field, the property list updates based on your entries.

      Property list

      Lists all properties available for selection.

      Select the properties you want to include in the dashboard calculations. If necessary, use the scroll bar to see all properties.

      Select AllSelects check boxes for all properties. 
      Unselect AllClears check boxes for all properties. 
      Date RangeDate Range selectors are not available for all Labor Dashboard screens.
      Date range selector

      Configured date ranges to display.

      From the drop-down list, select one of the options.

      If you select an option in this field, the date range in the date range selector field below updates to reflect your selection.
      Custom date range selector

      Start and end dates for the date range.

      Select options from a fly-out calendar.

      Dialog box button
      ContinueCloses the dialog box and applies your selections to the dashboard screen.

  2. In the Select Properties section, select the properties to include in the view.
  3. In the Date Range section, do one of the following:
    • From the drop-down list in the top field, select a specific time frame for which data is displayed.
    • From the calendar menu in the bottom field, select the start and end dates for the range for which data is displayed.
  4. Click Continue.
    The Labor Dashboard screen appears.

Using the Advanced Setup tab

  1. Access the Settings dialog box of Labor Dashboard:
    • If you are accessing the desired Labor Dashboard screen, the Setting dialog box appears after you select the screen from the main menu.

       Click here for instructions on accessing the Labor Dashboard.

      1. In the toolbar, click the Analytics Menu icon (  ).
      2. From the drop-down list, under the Labor Dashboard section, select one of the dashboard screens:
        • At a Glance
        • Issues and Opportunities
        • Metrics and Reports
        • Trends
        • Property Ranking
        • Last Week Next Week
        • Best Available Data

      In a new tab, the selected Labor Dashboard screen opens to the Setting dialog box.

    • If you are already working in a Labor Dashboard screen, click Settings.
      The Settings dialog box appears.

       Click here for field descriptions of the Advanced Setup tab

      Fields on the Advanced Setup tab of the Settings dialog box for Labor Dashboard

      Select Property Tags
      Tag categories

      Tag categories for your organization. Each field displays the one or multiple tags that are associated with the category.

      The text to the right of the field label indicates how many categories are selected out of the number of configured categories.

      The number of fields depends on how many categories are configured.

      Property Tags Help

      Hover the mouse pointer over the icon to display help text for working with tags.
      Manage Tags

      Opens the Manage Tags dialog box, where you create tags.

      For more information, see Manage Tags dialog box in Labor Dashboard.

      Select Properties
      Search Properties

      Search field for properties.

      As you type search criteria in the field, the property list updates based on your entries.

      Property list

      List of all properties available for selection.

      Select the properties you want to include in the dashboard calculations. If necessary, use the scroll bar to see all properties.

      Select AllSelects check boxes for all properties. 
      Unselect AllClears check boxes for all properties. 
      Date Range
      Date Range selectors are not available for all Labor Dashboard screens.
      Date range selector

      Configured date ranges to display.

      From the drop-down list, select one of the options.

      If you select an option in this field, the date range in the date range selector field below updates to reflect your selection.
      Custom date range selector

      Start and end dates for the date range.

      Select options from a fly-out calendar.

      Budget Data SetsBudget Data Sets are not available for all Labor Dashboard screens.
      BudgetSelect the budget dataset to apply to the dashboard.

      You must first select properties for this field to be available. The Budget list includes only datasets that are available for the selected properties.

      This selection applies only to metrics that contain budget information.

      ForecastSelect the forecast dataset to apply to the dashboard.

      You must first select properties for this field to be available. The Forecast list includes only datasets that are available for the selected properties.

      This selection applies only to metrics that contain forecast information.

      Dialog box button
      ContinueCloses the dialog box and applies your selections to the dashboard screen.

  2. Click Advanced Setup.
  3. In the Select Property Tags section, select the tags that are applied.
  4. In the Select Properties section, select the properties to include in the view.
  5. In the Date Range section, do one of the following:
    1. From the drop-down list in the top field, select a specific time frame for which data is displayed.
    2. From the calendar menu in the bottom field, select the start and end dates for the range for which data is displayed.
  6. In the Budget Data Sets section, do the following:
    1. From the Budget drop-down list, select the budget dataset to work with.
    2. From the Forecast drop-down list, select the forecast dataset to work with.
  7. Click Continue.
    The Labor Dashboard screen appears.

Selecting an organization level

  1. In the upper-left corner of the screen, click the breadcrumb field.
  2. From the drop-down lists, select the organization level for which to view information.
  3. Select Load.
    The breadcrumb menu updates with the path of the organization level, and the screen updates to display information for the selected organization level.

Viewing the previous organization level

  • Select Previous Level.
    The chart of grid displays information for the previous level of the organization structure.

Viewing more properties

  1. In the Overall Issues section, turn on the Show All Properties toggle switch.
    A page selector appears at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Either select the page number or the Next () or Back () arrow to view more properties.

Discovering the root cause

  1. Select the Cost (red), Quality (purple), Overtime (blue), or Operational Issues (dark blue) square to view a breakdown of which jobs had the most impact in these categories.
    The Issues screen appears. The Issues screen displays each job and its cost impact.
  2. If necessary, either click the number of the page or click the Next or Back arrows to view more jobs.
  3. Select a job to view a comparison of Actual Hours to Standard Hours, as well as a breakdown of the primary causes for the issue. For more information, click the links to the Trends screen and the Metrics and Reports screen of the Labor Dashboard. 


    To return to the Properties screen, use the Previous Level () button.
    DO NOT use the Back button on your browser. Using the Back button on your browser window will return you to the Welcome screen.

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