Engagement Index report screen

Engagement Index report screen

When you first open the Pulse Reporting Dashboard, the Engagement Index report screen appears. The engagement index refers to a company's engagement score and is based on the results of the Pulse Survey. The scores range from 0 to 100, with 0 being the most disengaged and 100 being the most engaged. Engagement index scores are measured at all organization levels within a company: company, property, division, department, and job role. 

The Engagement Index report screen contains an interactive bar chart and table that allow you to view engagement index scores across the levels of your organization and compare them to the company average, organization level averages, and to baselines. The company average is the average engagement index score for the entire company, including all organization levels. An organization level average (or org level average) is the company-wide average for a selected organization level (that is, company, property, division, or department). For example, Company A comprises five properties. Each property has a Food & Beverage division that contains a Kitchen department. The organization level average for the Kitchen department is the average score for all five of Company A’s Kitchen departments. A baseline is the average for a specific organization level and all of its sub-levels. For example, the baseline for Food & Beverage division at Property 3 is the average for that specific Food & Beverage division and all of its sub-levels, including Kitchen, Restaurant, Bar/Lounge, etc. 

See Working with the engagement report screens for more information on using the Engagement Index report screen view, sort, and filter data.

* Personally identifiable information has been obscured or altered in the above image.


Log out ( )

Logs out of the Pulse Reporting Dashboard.

Pulse Survey Report Menu ( )

Opens the navigation menu, which contains a tile for each available report screen. Each tile displays the title and a brief description of the report screen.

Report screens include:

For more information, see Changing engagement report screens.

3Drop-down menus

Use the drop-down menus to select the properties, comparison report, and reporting periods to view in the report screen:

  • Properties—Select the property or properties for which to view data.  
  • Comparison Report—Select a report type for which to view comparison data. Data from the selected comparison report appears in both the table and chart.
    Options include:
    • Current Pulse Report
    • Recent Annual STAFFScope
  • Reporting Period—Select the month and year for which the report screen displays data.
4Bar chart

The bar chart displays engagement index data for organization levels throughout your company. Bars and baselines appear differently depending on your table view and organization level selections. Each green bar corresponds to the selected organization level and represents the engagement index score for that level. The gray bar that appears next to each green bar (in most views) represents the organization level average, that is, the company-wide average engagement index score for that organization level.

The bar chart also displays one or multiple baselines, which appear as dotted lines connecting dots on each bar. A baseline represents the average engagement index score for the selected organization level and its sub-levels.

Hovering the pointer over a bar displays a tooltip with additional information.


The table displays the engagement index scores for each organization layer and for company-wide averages for each level. Columns include:

  • Organization level—The header of this column depends upon the option you select in the Table View selector.
  • Engagement Index—The engagement index score for the organization level.
  • Org Level Average—The company-wide average for a selected organization level. If you select Recent Annual STAFFScope for the Comparison Report, this column header changes to STAFFScope Organization Level Average.

Note: If there are too few survey responses for an organization level, dashes ( – ) appear in the row.

6Table View selectorDrop-down menu to select whether information in the table and bar chart is organized and displayed by property, division, or department.
7Organization level check boxes

Select to expand the tree menu in the table and determine the organization level views you see in the chart section. Selecting an organization layer adds an additional baseline to the bar chart.


Maximize button ( ) for table

Restore button ( ) for table

Click maximize ( ) to expand the table so that it fills the screen.

If the table is maximized to fill the screen, click restore ( ) to return to the original view.

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