Minimum Wage Report

Minimum Wage Report

This report displays all employees who did not earn at least minimum wage for the number of hours worked after tips were factored in. The minimum wage defaults to what is set by the system. If this is incorrect, user can enter the appropriate amount. Any employee who did not earn at least the threshold is displayed for the job for which they did not earn enough. If they worked two jobs and only one did not meet minimum wage, then only that job will show. It does NOT combine the two jobs. Each job is treated independently.

For employees that show on this report you should either assign minimum wage make up pay or ask the employee to verify their amount of tips they claimed. If they did not claim the correct amount, simply add the under-reported amount in the Earnings Wizard. Remember to assign the tips to the correct job and not just the home job.

Click the image to view a sample report.

Key Information

  • Availability—Standard report with all installations
  • Security—Shows pay for hourly employees
  • Options—User selects date range, wage threshold and can filter by division/department/job
  • Defaults—Current pay period for all departments at minimum wage as set by the system
  • Usage—End of pay period to see associates that did not earn at least minimum wage or threshold amount per hour.
  • Data Source—System generated from time cards

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