Overtime Management Report

The Overtime Management Report allows you to monitor when overtime has occurred and when it is projected to occur. This report displays the following information:

  • The number of hours for which employees are scheduled.
  • How many hours they have actually worked as of the date of the report.
  • Any overtime hours they may have accrued.
  • The number of hours employees have worked over (or under) their scheduled hours.
  • How many hours employees are still scheduled for through the end of the period. 
  • Number of hours that employees are projected to work, as well as projected overtime.

This information allows you to re-evaluate your resources and, if possible, re-allocate work to avoid incurring overtime costs.

Click the image to view a sample report.

Key Information

  • Availability—Standard report with all installations
  • Security—Lists hours worked and projected to be worked.
  • Options—User enters threshold percentage for under reporting
  • Defaults—Current pay period for all departments
  • Usage—Throughout pay period to monitor potential overtime.
  • Data Source—System generated from time cards

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