Cashier Report

The Cashier Report displays employee cash overages and shortages either daily (Detail) or period-to-date (Summary). This report typically replaces spreadsheets used to track cash shortages by employee.

This report will not run unless Cashiers were created in the statistics section when you configured the Revenue Structure.

Click the image to view a sample report.

Key Information

  • User defined Date Range
  • Print Options: Summary or Detail
  • Data Source: Cashier Log Over/Shorts

Report Options

FilterSelect the Job or Employee(s).

Start Date/End Date

Determine the time frame for which the report is run.


Determine how you wish the report to be displayed.

  • Detail—Denotes that you wish the report to display cash overages and shortages by day.
  • Summary—Denotes that you wish the report to display period-to-date cash overages and shortages.

Determine how you wish the report to be displayed.

  • By Date by Line
  • By Line by Date
Page Break between LinesDisplays each Line on a separate page.
Show Lines with Zero valuesDisplays all Lines in the report, including those with a value of 0.

Running the Report

To run the report:

  1. Choose Other from the Reports menu.
  2. Click Cashier. The report options dialog box appears.
  3. Enter a Start Date/End Date or use the calendar function or forward/backward arrows to locate the correct dates.
  4. Select Detail or Summary.
  5. Click the Run icon. The report is displayed.