Deposit Report

The Deposit Report provides a day-by-day list of Cash or Credit Card receipts that were deposited in the bank for a user-defined date range, as well as total deposits for the date range. The Cash option displays a daily total for each income generator, as well as totals for the designated date range. The Credit Card option displays a daily total for each income generator and type of credit card, as well as totals for the designated date range.

Key Information

  • Used to view daily deposits and reconcile bank statements
  • Data Source: Revenue cash and AR screens
  • Date type: Date range specific, not period sensitive
  • The amounts for credit cards are denoted from the Payments column on the AR screen, not the Charges column

Report Options


Start Date/End Date

Determine the time frame for which the report is run.


Determine whether to display Cash or Credit Card info on the report.

Running the Report

To run the report:

  1. Choose Accounting from the Reports menu.
  2. Choose Deposit. The report options dialog box appears.
  3. Select a Start Date/End Date from the drop-down menus.
  4. Select either Cash or Credit Cards to Display.
  5. Click the Run icon. The report is displayed.