Line Detail Report

This report is a user-configured report. You determine what data is presented in the report, but in general, it is used to provide a log of the data that you configure, a total for the defined time frame, and any notes attached to that data.

Report Options


Start Date/End Date 

Determine the date range for which the report is run.

Report Title

Assign a title to the report.

Running the Report

To run the report:

  1. Choose Other from the Reports menu.
  2. Click Line Detail. The report options dialog box appears.
  3. Select a View if appropriate.
  4. Verify that the Columns data is correct. Note: If you have not previously configured Add Columns, or wish to change the configuration, see Add Columns.
  5. Enter a Start Date/End Date.
  6. Enter a Report Title.
  7. Click the Run icon. The report is displayed.