Accounting Revenue & Tax Report

This report prints in the same format as the daily revenue report and lists the gross, adjustment, net and tax amount for each item. The GL account number to which the NET revenue account is coded, is denoted on the right margin of the report. The percentage of taxes taken out for each revenue item is also denoted.

Key Information

  • Used to view general ledger accounts and tax percentages of revenues
  • Data Source: Revenue Focus data entry screens
  • Date type: Period specific
  • This report is a good auditing tool of account numbers that flow into the income journal at the end of the month

Report Options



Select the period for the report to run.

Report Date

Determine the date through which the report is run.

Running the Report

To run the report:

  1. Choose Accounting from the Reports menu.
  2. Choose Accounting Rev & Tax.The report options dialog box appears.
  3. Select a Period from the drop-down menus.
  4. Select a Report Date.
  5. Click the Run icon. The report is displayed.