Profitability report

Use the Profitability report to view results for a selected month or period, as well as the year-to-date results based upon budget structure or report structure. This report can be configured in the P & L Report Builder, or you can choose to use the report builder configuration created for some other reports.

Note: For further assistance, contact UniFocus Partner Success. 

Key Information

  • This report lets you select two different reference datasets to compare to the actuals. For example, you might want to look at Actual, Original Budget and Same Month Last Year. Or you can look at Actual, Same Month Last Year and Flex.
  • Once you choose the datasets for the month, the report will provide the same datasets with year-to-date numbers.

Report Options


Base Dataset

Consists of a Year and Type of data that are grouped in an organized manner. The Base Dataset is used as the basis against which other datasets are compared.

  • Year—Select a year of dataset.
  • Type—Select a type of dataset.

Comparative Dataset

Consists of a Year and Type of data that are grouped in an organized manner. The Comparative Dataset is the dataset to which the Base Dataset is compared

  • Year—Select a year of dataset to compare.
  • Type—Select a type of dataset to compare.


Choose additional options to be displayed in the report.

  • Period—Select a period.
  • Use Owner—Use the report builder that was configured for the Owner reports.
  • Use Profitability Builder—Use the report builder that was configured for the P&L Performance.
  • Use Periodic Budget—Use the report builder that was configured for the Periodic Budget Report.
  • Percent of Line—Display the percent of line data for that budget line. The percent of line is a percentage represented by the formula: budget line dollars ÷ percent of line dollars (for that line).
  • CPOR—Displays the cost per occupied room (rate of dollars for that line, distributed over the number of occupied rooms).
  • Variance—Displays the variances between the Base Dataset and the Comparative Dataset.

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