Performance Review Report

This report displays any employee who is due for a review during the selected date range. Also denoted is the last review date and the number of days in between.


  • Review due dates are based on hire dates.

  • Employees appear only if review dates are active.

The review dates and next review date is a manual process. In order to utilize this report you must enter each review date and the next review date in the Coaching Tab of the Employee Maintenance module. We recommend keeping your records up to date as this provides a simple and quick way to manage which associates are due for a review.

Click the image to view a sample report.

Key Information

  • Availability—Standard report
  • Security—Not sensitive
  • Options—User selects date range
  • Defaults—Current pay period
  • Usage—Print each month to determine who is due for a performance review
  • Data Source—Employee Maintenance, Coaching Tab, Review Dates

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