Annual Salary Report
Annual Salary Report
This report lists all salary-exempt associates alphabetically and indicates their annual rates of pay. If an employee works in multiple departments the report will denote that and how many daily hours are assigned to each job code. The date range filters for active salary exempt employees during that time frame.
Use this report as an audit of salaries and to ensure that a new salaried exempt associate was correctly set up.
Note: Due to the sensitivity of this report, it should never be left in an unsecure area.
Key Information
- Availability—Standard report
- Security—Very sensitive - shows ALL salary pay rates
- Options—User selects date range and can filter by division/department/job
- Defaults—Current pay period
- Usage—Used when doing budgets and auditing salaried pay rates
- Data Source—Employee Maintenance, Job Screen, Rate Assignment for Salary Exempt Associates
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