Controlling the Work Content view

You use the column menu in the left pane of the Work Content view to filter the information that is displayed in the schedule pane. 

  1. In the right corner of the Work Content view left pane, click the arrow (  ).
    A fly-out menu appears. 
  2. Filter as necessary.
    For more information, see Option descriptions for the left pane menu of the Work Content view. 

Option descriptions for the left pane menu of the Work Content view

Sort AscendingSort options in ascending order.This control is not active for the Work Content view. Options in the left column cannot be sorted.
Sort DescendingSort options in descending order.This control is not active for the Work Content view. Options in the left column cannot be sorted.
Select JobOpens a fly-out menu of all jobs for which to view work content.Â