Re-Forecasting KBIs

Re-Forecasting KBIs

Re-forecasting KBIs using the Period tab is a way to update your data. However, you may also find that you need to enter data on a daily basis, which is done in the Daily tab. After you have entered your data (in the Periods and/or Daily tabs) you will need to re-calculate the budget.

Tasks performed from this screen:

Fields and controls on the 30/60/90 KBI Projections screen



Saves changes to the screen.


Refreshes the screen.

Related Tasks

Contains other tasks that are performed or can be performed in this screen.

  • Re-calculate Forecast—Performs the calculations required to update your budget. This is done after all data has been entered into the Period and/or Daily tabs.
  • Populate Forecast—Populate the cells with previously forecasted data. This button is only used the first time you re-forecast a period, or any time the data fields are empty. Once you begin entering data for a period, using this button will cause your data to be deleted and replaced with forecasted data.
  • View Calculated KBI's—View the results of the calculations. This screen is view only.
  • Value Wizard (Daily tab only)—Enter rates by day of the week.
  • Adjustment Wizard (Daily tab only)—Adjust daily rates and daily number of units by amount or percentage from the base value. You may do this by day of week or across the board, by the single period shown on the screen, or all periods.


Select which KBIs you want to view: Market Segments, Revenue Centers or Other KBIs. After you have selected which KBIs you want to view, other context-sensitive filters appear which help you to further narrow down what you want to view.


View/edit units or rates, or view the data totals.

The views include:

  • Units—Edit the number of units.
  • Rates—Edit the rates.
  • Revenue—View revenue totals.
  • All—Edit units and rates, as well as view revenue totals.


Select the year that you want to view.


Select a starting period for the 30-60-90 forecast and view data beginning with that period.

Market GroupSelect the market group for which you want to enter data.
TypeSelect the type of KBI for which you want to enter data.
EditEdit the 30-, 60- or 90-day forecast.This view only appears if you click the Daily tab.


Enter data by period. Data is then distributed across the days of the period based on the KBI distribution tables (if configured) or straight-lined (if distribution tables are not configured).


Enter data by day. You can use the Rate Wizard or Adjustment Wizard to automate this process.

If you get an error message after selecting the Current Period, check to see that all your Financial Periods are defined, as this is frequently the cause of the problem.

If you select the Populate Forecast button at any time after you have begun entering data, your data will be replaced by original forecasted data and the data you entered will be lost.

Populating the Forecast

If this is the first time you are re-forecasting a period and the data fields are empty, you must click the Populate Forecast button to populate the fields with forecasted data. By using the Populate Forecast function you can select which datasets are used to populate the 30-Day, 60-Day, and 90-Day columns. In general, you will select the 60-Day forecasted dataset to populate the 30-Day column, the 90-Day forecasted dataset to populate the 60-Day column, and the working dataset for the 90-Day column.

Once you have populated the columns or begun entering data for a period using the Period or Daily tab, you will not use this button again for that period. Using the Populate Forecast button after you have input data will delete your data and replace it with forecasted data.


If you select a single Market Group and/or Type, only that Market Group and/or Type will be populated. In like manner, if you select one Revenue Center, that will be the only Revenue Center that is populated. To populate all Market Segments or Revenue Centers, you must select All in the respective categories.

Populating the Forecast

  1. In the toolbar, click the Main Menu icon (  ).
  2. From the drop-down list, under the Financial section, select Budgeting.
    The Budgeting screen appears in a separate tab.
  3. In the 30/60/90 KBI Projections row, click Update/Start.
    The 30/60/90 KBI Projections screen appears.
  4. If necessary, use the Display, Show, Year, Period, Market Group, and Type drop-down lists to filter the data that is shown.
  5. From the Related Tasks drop-down menu, select Populate Forecast.
    The Populate Forecast dialog box appears.
  6. Select the datasets you want to use to populate the 30-Day, 60-Day and 90-Day columns.

    Note: If this is the first usage of the year, select Working Dataset for each.

  7. Select the appropriate Filter Selection By: Market Segments, Revenue Centers, or Other KBIs.

    Note: the available selections change depending on your filtering selection.

  8. Click OK.
    Your changes are applied and the dialog box closes.

Re-Forecasting KBIs by Periods

  1. In the toolbar, click the Main Menu icon (  ).
  2. From the drop-down list, under the Financial section, select Budgeting.
    The Budgeting screen appears in a separate tab.
  3. In the 30/60/90 KBI Projections row, click Update/Start.
    The 30/60/90 KBI Projections screen appears.
  4. Select the Period tab. 
  5. Select a Display type.
  6. From the Show drop-down list, select Units, Rates, Revenue or All.
  7. Select a Year and a Period.
  8. Locate the appropriate period for the KBI you want to edit  and enter the new data.
  9. (Optional) Repeat Steps 4-9 for each forecast period.
  10. Click the Save icon (  ).
  11. From the Related Tasks menu, select Re-Calculate Forecast.

Re-Forecasting KBIs by Day

  1. In the toolbar, click the Main Menu icon (  ).
  2. From the drop-down list, under the Financial section, select Budgeting.
    The Budgeting screen appears in a separate tab.
  3. In the 30/60/90 KBI Projections row, click Update/Start.
    The 30/60/90 KBI Projections screen appears.
  4. Select the Daily tab.
  5. Select a Display type.
  6. From the Show drop-down list, select Units, Rates, Revenue or All.
  7. Select a Year and a Period.
  8. From the EDit drop-down list, select the period (30-, 60-, 90-day) to edit.
  9. Determine if you are going to enter data manually or use the Value and/or Adjustment Wizards.
  10. Locate the appropriate day and date for the KBI you want to edit and enter the new data in the Units and Rates fields.
  11. (Optional) Repeat Steps 4-11 for each forecast day.
  12. Click the Save icon (  ).
  13. From the Related Tasks menu, select Re-Calculate Forecast and proceed to Re-Calculating the 30-60-90 Forecast.

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