Re-Forecasting Budget Data

Re-Forecasting Budget Data

Re-forecasting budget data is done in the Cost Structures tab where you can edit the data cells but not the ranges. Cost structures configure how Budgeting calculates total dollars. The first time you re-forecast a period and/or any time the data fields are empty, you will use the Populate Forecast button to populate the fields with forecast data. After the fields are populated, you can edit the data as needed. If you select the Populate Forecast button at any time after you have begun entering data for a period, your data will be replaced by original forecast data and your data for that period will be lost.

Fields and controls on the Manage 30/60/90 Lines screen



Saves changes to the screen.


Refreshes the screen.
Starting PeriodSelects a period to be the starting point of the 30-60-90 forecast.


Select the year for which you are re-forecasting.

Related Tasks

Contains other tasks that are performed or can be performed in this screen:

  • Populate Forecast—Populate the cells with previously forecast data. This button is only used the first time you re-forecast a period, or any time the data fields are empty. Once you begin entering data for a period, using this button will cause your data to be deleted and replaced with forecast data.

To edit a budget line:

  1. In the toolbar, click the Main Menu icon (  ).
  2. From the drop-down list, under the Financial section, select Budgeting.
    The Budgeting screen appears in a separate tab.
  3. In the Manage 30/60/90 Lines row, click Update/Start.
    The Manage 30/60/90 Lines screen appears.
  4. Select a Starting Period.
  5. Select a Year.
  6. (Optional) From the Related Tasks menu, select Populate Forecast if appropriate.
    Fill in the fields as necessary. 
  7. Double-click the budget line you want to edit and enter your data. Continue entering data as needed.
  8. Click the Save icon ( ).
    You changes are applied.