Room Trends Report

The Room Trends Report is a user-configured report. You determine what data is presented in the report, but in general, it is used to view trends in key room statistics by day of week for any defined date range. Typically, managers use this report for forecasting rooms sold. The analysis provided makes it easy to depict trends for certain days of the week, thus aiding in creating more accurate forecasts.

Key Information

  • Prints room trends by day of week and compares current year's date range mean to last year
  • Data Source: Room Statistics data entry screens
  • Date type: Date range specified, not period sensitive

Report Options


Start Date/End Date  

Determine the date range for which the report is run.

Report Title

Assign a title to the report.

Running the Report

To run the report after it has been configured:

  1. Choose Other from the Reports menu.
  2. Click Room Trends. The report options dialog box appears.
  3. Select a View if appropriate.
  4. Verify that the Columns table is configured appropriately. Note: If you have not previously configured Add Columns or wish to change the configuration, see Adding Columns
  5. Enter a Start Date/End Date.
  6. Enter a Report Title.
  7. Click the Run icon. The report is displayed.