Re-Calculating the 30-60-90 Forecast

Re-Calculating the 30-60-90 Forecast

After you have entered all your data in the Period or Daily tabs, you will need to re-calculate the budget.

To re-calculate the 30-6-90 forecast:

  1. In the toolbar, click the Main Menu icon (  ).
  2. From the drop-down list, under the Financial section, select Budgeting.
    The Budgeting screen appears in a separate tab.
  3. In the 30/60/90 KBI Projections row, click Update/Start.
    The 30/60/90 KBI Projections screen appears.
  4. From the Display drop-down menu, select either Market Segments, Revenue Centers, or Other KBIs.
  5. If necessary, use the Show, Year, and Period, Market Group, and Type drop-down lists to filter the data that is shown.
  6. From the Related Tasks drop-down menu, select Re-calculate Forecast.
    The Calculate Working Dataset dialog box appears,
  7. From the drop-down lists, select the appropriate Division, Department, Job and Standard Set.


    Most of the time you will leave Division, Department and Job set to All. However, if you know that you made changes to a KBI that only applies to a certain area of the job class tree, select the specific Division, Department, and/or Job that was affected. The re-calculation time is greatly reduced.

    After clicking OK, please be patient as these calculations may take a while.

  8. Do one of the following:
    • If you want to re-calculate all periods, select Re-Calculate All Periods.
    • If you want to re-calculate a specific period, select a Start Period and an End Period from the drop-down lists.
  9. Click OK.

    A progress bar appears. Please be patient as this process can take awhile to complete. When complete, you will be returned to the main screen.

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