GUESTScope Dashboard Training Document

GUESTScope Dashboard Training Document

GUESTScope Dashboard Training

For support, email Service@UniFocus.com.

This document reviews the components on the UniFocus GUESTScope Dashboard. It is intended to provide an overview of each function and area of the dashboard. 

Upon logging into UniFocus, the main GUESTScope dashboard control panel will load. Use the filter settings to choose the project and property or a combination of properties.

Add settings for the dashboard 

  • Select Project - if you have more than one active survey project with GUESTScope you will be able to toggle between them
  • Select Properties - if you have access to more than one property you will be able to select any combination of them or all of them.
  • Primary Date Range - this is the date range that your dashboard will be configured for and display data. You may use the drop down menu selector to choose a pre-defined date range or use the "Custom" selection to choose from the calendars.
  • Comparison Date Range - this sets the comparison date range the dashboard will be set for. Select widgets use comparison column reporting that comes from this selection. Like the Primary date range you may use the drop down menu selector to choose a pre-defined date range or use the "Custom" selection to choose from the calendars. 

 Saves your settings and opens the dashboard for you.

Single Property View

 Click on the next to the property selected to see which are selected if needed.   


Dashboard Icons and Functionality

Icons consistently appear throughout the Dashboard to help you navigate around the different components. Here are the ones you'll use the most throughout the system:

 Expander Arrows slide the dashboard to the right or left to expand or collapse the dashboard to give access to other GUESTScope functions and reports. 

 The "email envelope" symbol allows you to take a screen shot and send it to someone as a screen shot image or a PDF file.

  The "I" icon is an information pop-up that when clicked on within any individual component will provide a quick explanation of the feature - it also shows the list of selected properties from the top toolbar that is explained in the next section.

 The Green Arrow icon means that you can click on this component and open the full module for this feature. Any place you see a Green Arrow means that more information is available for that component and a new flash window will open in a full screen. 

 The Blue Back Arrow icon returns you to the previous page that you were on. 

 The Gold Star allows you to see how that line compares for all properties you have access to when viewing data for multiple properties.

The Green Excel icon allows you to export the information in this component to an Excel spreadsheet in an XML format. It is available for select components.

The Search icon allows you to expand your search for a particular item. Sometimes this icon activates a search field and other times it will open a search wizard.

Links to various reports are available across the top of the Dashboard for easy navigation.


This top banner displays the following information: 

  • Selected Project - denotes which project you have active
  • Benchmark - denotes the STAR segment your property is classified in for benchmarking comparisons
  • Property rank - shows your rank in the Key Metric for the group of properties you are affiliated with (not all locations will have this feature)
  • Surveys Taken - shows the number of surveys for the date range and selected locations that the dashboard is displaying
  • Date Range - denotes the date range that the dashboard is set to and what comparison range is also being used

 Clicking the GUESTScope name and/or UniFocus mini-logo will bring you back to the initial dashboard page - it's called the At a Glance view. OR
 Clicking the At a Glance link works like the above logo in that it returns you to the initial dashboard page.
  Clicking the Interactive Reports link opens a drop down menu that allows you to get to the various reports within the dashboards.
 The Advanced Search wizard allows you to search for specific surveys and/or comments.
  Opens the dashboard inbox that allows you to send messages to other users through email and see messages that may have been left for you.
 Opens the initial dashboard control panel that allows you to select projects, locations, primary and secondary date ranges

Dashboard Reports

Key Metrics

This section shows the Key Metrics for your data set. This score is usually what we refer to as the SIRV Loyalty score. Some installations may have a custom configuration and show an index other than the SIRV score. This document assumes your property works with the SIRV index. The components of the Overall Score section are as follows:

  • SIRV Loyalty Score – shows the Satisfaction, Intent to Return/Recommend, Value index score for the selected time period. This is shown in white numbers on the circular graph.
  • Benchmark – the number on the gauge shows what your property's benchmark score is for the same corresponding time period. The benchmark score may be your STAR segment benchmark, Company Average or some other property-specific benchmark.
  • Trend Graph – this is the graph to the right of the dial and it shows the recent trends of your SIRV score and benchmark over the last six months. The dates under the bars indicate the month and year that are indicated.
  • Revenue at Risk – If your configuration provides us with the room rate for returned surveys we are able to calculate Revenue at Risk (RAR). RAR is derived using a statistical calculation as the dollar amount of revenue that is potentially at risk based on the ratings distribution for the question "Intent to Return" given by your guests, for the date range selected.

The icon allows you to open the key metrics section and see what questions make up your metric and data for each of those questions. 


This section shows information about problems that your guests experienced based on how they answered their surveys.

Note that this component offers a full module of analysis and reporting tools by clicking the icon:

It has the following information on the initial screen:

  • Problems Experienced – this shows the percentage of surveys that were returned where a guest answered yes to the "Did you have a problem during your stay?" question. The graph shows where your percentage number is using a color code chart that shows from good (green) to poor (red). This graph is a gauge" style graph.
  • SRI – Service Recovery Index – this index shows the percentage of problems that were resolved to satisfaction by meeting or exceeding the guest's expectations. It only factors in problems where the guest indicated that the problem was reported. It too shows as both a percentage value and in gauge style. For this index the gauge is reversed where poor scores are lower and shown in red and good scores are higher and shown in green.
  • Cost of Problems – Cost of problems reflects the amount of room revenues at risk based solely on the group of guests who reporting an issue or problem during their stay. It again uses a statistical calculation to derive the revenue impact based on intent to return and the room revenues provided to us from the property management system or reservations database.


Department / Group Ratings

This section allows you to view consolidated survey data by question Group, Department,  Non-Rated Questions, depending on how your property is configured. It contains the following data and options:

  • Name – Each row contains a rollup of all questions within each group, classification, department or non-rated question group. Click on any row to see data on each question within that group, classification or department.
  • Rating – this is the calculated average score for the questions, for the date range selected.
  • vs. – This column shows either a red down arrow or up green arrow. These arrows denote if your score is significantly higher or lower than the Comparison date range.
  • Comparison – this is the calculated average score for each question based on the comparison date range selected.

Note that this component offers a full module of analysis and reporting tools by clicking the icon (or you may click on a line item).
Reporting components available within the Department/Group Ratings dashboard include:

  • Comparison ratings detail
  • Monthly Trend Grid
  • Demographic+ (attribute slicing)
  • Ratings Response Distribution
  • Comment Reporting

Click on the link to show or hide the graphs to display more rows of data at the bottom of the screen:

Comparison Rating

Monthly Trend


Demographic + - slice the data by a demographic question or guest attribute


Example: Arrival experience sliced by purpose of visit.

Ratings Distribution


On any of the above tabs – click on a specific question for additional details
Click in the bottom table to view any survey specifically.



Recent Surveys  


The Recent Surveys component allows you to see the recent surveys that have been received by your property. This is a real-time graph that gets updated moments after a new survey result is submitted. It is not affected by the global dashboard date range. The columns of data in the Recent Survey component show the following:

  • Guest Name – the name of the guest that took the survey
  • Survey Date – the date that they took the survey (not the departure date)
  • Rating – the overall rating for the survey that averages the responses of all questions that are configured to calculate into the Overall Rating for your property's survey.
  • Check / X – a graphical depiction to show if the survey contains any negative responses. Surveys with negative responses to any question are denoted with a red "X". Surveys without any negative responses are denoted with a green "Check".
  • Com – an icon in this column indicates the survey contains verbatim comments.

By clicking on the Green Arrow icon at the top left of this component the view below appears, allowing you to expand your search for recent surveys, choose specific survey types for your output and download the report to Excel. An envelope icon appearing in the "Response Sent" column indicates a response has been sent using the Guest Response System within the application.  

Key Opportunities  

The Key Opportunities component tells you what should be addressed at your property to improve guest intent to recommend. "Key Opportunities" are derived from a validated statistical analysis that looks at the importance of each question and its rating and compares the result to the ratings for the one question: "Intent to recommend." A minimum number of 30 responses to each question are required in order for the analysis to be considered statistically valid. Research indicates that if a top key opportunity question rating improves, then it is likely that guest intent to recommend ratings will also improve.

By clicking on the Green Arrow icon at the top left of this component the view below appears, allowing the user to see all questions, each question's response count, relative importance, performance rating and critical rank. You may click the download to Excel button to download the report.
Sort by any columns by simply clicking on that column header.

Advanced Search

  This link is located at the top right of the screen.

Select date filters for your search. 

Select from any of the tabs below to also narrow the search.  Comments, Room Details, Guest Details, etc.

To search for all comments within a specific category or categories - Click on the Comments tab and choose from the drop down.

Use the control key to select multiple categories.

Click Search

If Return Type selected is Surveys with Comments - the results will allow you to link to the specific survey that included the comment.

If Return Type selected is comments, the results will provide you with just the comments to view. 


Click the Communications button at the top of the main dashboard to open up the Communications feature, as shown below:  

The Communications Blog is a tool used to communicate information to staff members about GUESTScope and the survey data received. Comments can be left as Public or Private. All comments are sent via email to the recipient you selected, or simply posted on the site within the calendar. Public comments are stored in the history blog and available for anyone to see that logs in. Private comments are also stored but only available to be seen by the person who created the log.

Thank you for our partnership! For support you may email us at Service@UniFocus.com.

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