Comment Analysis Module
Is now added for everyone
Boost your ability to understand customer feedback with easy to use, real-time customer comment and sentiment analytics.
UniFocus' GUESTScope, the premiere survey solution to drive your guests' intent to recommend and return, now features text and sentiment analytics. Traditionally, sophisticated text and comment analytics tools have been costly, and difficult to use. The new GUESTScope Comment Analysis module integrates seamlessly within the reporting dashboard, and like all of our reporting, is intuitive and easy to understand.
Corporate executives now have the ability to analyze comments across the entire portfolio and identify trends for celebrating, marketing and/or improving.
Open the Interactive Reports and select Comment Analysis
Open the drop down menu and select a group, classification or non-rated question group that includes comments.
In this example, Guest Room is selected.
- Average Sentiment Score is the average score provided for all comments within the group. The number will be within a range of -5 to +5
- Sentiment Trend is a 6 month trend of positive and negative sentiments. Hover over the graph and it will display the number and percentage of mentions either positive or negative.
- Question Rating is the average score for the group of questions on the survey in this group.
- Properties – the number of properties in which this group has comments. If you only have access to a single property, this number will always be 1. In this example, 6 of the 7 properties selected have comments in that section of the survey.
- Surveys with Comments indicates how many surveys include a comment in that group, i.e. Guest Room.
The link to Hide Header will hide the above information in order to display more of the details regarding Phrases/Themes and Entities.
Select what you wish to review from the tabs.
- Phrases: Literal words and phrases that appear within the comments
- Themes: The subject or object of each comment
- Entities: Proper nouns such as people, places and titles that appear within the comments
The columns can be sorted by clicking on the header.
Columns Include:
- Number of properties that this phrase occurs
- Intent to Recommend – the aggregate score for the recommend question for all survey in which this phrase appears
- % of Mentions
- Number of Mentions
- Sentiment Score – specific score based on the context of the whole comment
- Comparison – above or below the same phrase within the comparison date range
Click any row to drill into the detail of a specific phrase, theme or entity.
- Mentions in the Last 6 Months: Trend of positive/negative mentions
- Average Sentiment score for this phrase/theme/entity
- Number of Mentions
- Number of comments that include this phrase/theme/entity
- Hide the header of graphs and see the actual comments that include the phrase/theme or entity selected.
- Both a comment sentiment score is provided along with the phrase/theme/entity score.
- Click on the icon in the View Survey column and view the entire survey that included this specific comment.
All views include the Export to Excel link in the bottom right of window.