MEETINGScope Dashboard

MEETINGScope Dashboard

MEETINGScope Dashboard

 You will find the link to the MEETINGScope dashboard in your Dashboard folder along the left of the website
If you are also a user of the GUESTScope program, your GUESTScope dashboard will initially display. You can get to the MEETINGScope Dashboard in the Dashboard Folder.

Click the MEETINGScope link shown below.


Whether you have access to one property or multiple properties, you will first begin by selecting the criteria for the data.
Select the Survey Type, Property or Properties and Date Ranges (Primary and Comparison) then click Continue.

Quick Guide: Dashboard Icons & Functionality

Shortcut links are available at the top of the Dashboard.

At a Glance: The main page of the dashboard – a high level view of the data. This is the default page for the dashboard when opened.
Interactive Reports: Jump directly to specific areas of the dashboard. Each one of these reports will be explained throughout this document.

  • Key Metric
  • Department/Group Ratings
  • Property Rankings – Key Metric
  • Key Opportunities
  • Project Activity

Search Surveys: Filter the data to find a specific survey or group of surveys
Inbox: Message other users within the dashboard with questions and screenshots
Saved Views: You can save views that are important to look at frequently. This link allows you to quickly and easily access that view. Each time you recall a saved view, you will be asked to either recall the original settings or apply the current settings you set when logging into the dashboard.

If at any time you wish to change the data settings you are reviewing, you can select a different survey type or change the settings.

Other icons to note throughout the dashboard
Information: Click on this icon throughout the dashboard for more information
Open section for a larger view and additional information
Export data: File will be saved in .xml format and can later be opened/saved in Excel.
At any time you would like to save a data view, click on this icon and name the view.

At a Glance

The first view you open is a high level look at all the data for the properties you selected. Each section is described in detail on the following pages.

Key Metric

Most configurations include the Key Metric called SIRV - Satisfaction, Intent to Return/Recommend, Value.
This section includes:

  • The SIRV Loyalty Score for the properties and primary date range selected.
  • A trend of the SIRV Loyalty score and the benchmark comparison score.
  • Revenue at Risk – the amount of meetings revenue at risk based on the planner's intent to recommend/return.

Open up the view for more details on what makes up the SIRV Score Key Metric.  Each of those key outcomes will show a gauge for the score and a trend.



Project Activity

On At a Glance view – a high level view of project activity is presented.

A more detailed Project Activity report is available from the Interactive Reports. All data is based on the primary date range you have selected for the dashboard.

NOTE: Meetings with Critical Problems means that the data file did not include the required information needed to launch surveys. i.e. meeting planner name, email address and sales rep.

Department/Group Ratings

The Department/Group Ratings section, you can view the Group, Classification or Non-Rated Questions.

Group: How the questions are organized on the survey. i.e. All Audio Visual questions grouped together
Classification: How the questions are classified regardless of what group they belong to. i.e. all the questions asking about staff friendliness are classified as Attitude.
Non-Rated Questions: Any question that is a yes/no or multiple choice on the survey.

Click on any row of data to drill into that group, classification or non-rated question.

The additional detail for each group/classification or non-rated question includes the Overall Group Rating and up to a 13 month trend.

Click on the link under the graph to Hide Overall Rating/Trends and expose more of the questions for that group/classification.


For each Group/Classification or Non-Rated Question you drill into, there are 3 tabs of data.
Comparison Rating: Includes the questions, number of responses, primary rating and comparison rating for each question.
Monthly Trend: Shows the trending score of each question for up to 13 months.
Demographic +: Select a demo question or attribute in which to slice the data you are looking at.

Additional functionality on these views include:

  • Change the set of questions you are reviewing by using the drop down under Make a selection
  • Turn off the color thresholds by unchecking the box nex to Highlight Cells
  • Slide the white circles in the color bar key to adjust the thresholds

  • Change your comparison rating to the Benchmark rating
  • Rank the properties within your organization on any specific group or question (assuming you have access to multiple properties within your organization). See Property Ranking – Key Metric Section.

Property Ranking – Key Metric

For those with responsibility for multiple properties, this is a great way to rank the properties by specific survey groups or questions. The front view is based on the SIRV score for each property.

This view is mostly used for corporate users with access to multiple properties so they can easily see multiple properties scores side by side for one group or question.

  • Change the filters to rank properties by Survey Category and/or question.
  • View the ranking by Monthly Trend or slice the data by a demographic or attribute.

Key Opportunities

Key Opportunities are derived from a validated statistical analysis that blends the relative importance of every question and its performance rating. Each question is given an importance rank based on how highly it correlates to the Intent to Recommend/Return question. Its importance is then combined with performance to derive a Key Opportunity (Critical Rank). By focusing on improvements to the performance of the highest ranked Key Opportunities (critical issues), a property will have the most direct impact on driving their intent to recommend/return ratings.

Critical Rank: The critical areas of focus in order to drive a higher intent to recommend/return from the planners.
Importance Rank: Each question is given an importance rank based on how highly it correlates to the Intent to Recommend/Return question .
Rating: How well the property/properties are performing in that area.
Allocated Revenue at Risk: If the property is sending meeting/food & beverage revenue, we calculate how much is at risk based on the planners Intent to Recommend/Return.

  Caution – A minimum number of 30 responses is required in order for the analysis to be statistically valid.

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