Survey Response System Training
Survey Response System
The Survey Response System allows the property to respond quickly and efficiently to a guest's survey using pre-established email templates. The Guest Response System keeps a history of your responses and provides analysis of your response time and closing actions.
This guide has the following sections:
- Survey Response Templates
- Responding to Surveys from email
- Responding to Surveys from Survey Response System
- Reports
- Support
Survey Response Templates
You can access the Survey Response Templates to edit or create new templates under the Survey Response System tab by using the Create / Customize Templates link.
There are 2 types of Survey Response Templates: Main Subject and Closing. You have been set up with a Company Wide Thank You Main Subject and Closing template but you can edit these to create your own specific Property Templates.
- The Main Subject template makes up the first part of the response and should address the issue (if any) from the guest experience.
- The Closing template makes up the second part of the response to offer an appropriate closing to the guest. There may be templates setup that do not offer a closing but simply end the email by thanking the guest for their business and feedback.
Customized Main Subject Templates consist of the possible issues that a guest may have experienced while at your property. In reality, you may have a very positive guest survey that you want to respond to where there are no issues. Therefore, you will find a both a Thank You Main Subject and Closing template.
Customizing Closing Templates consist of the possible Closing you may want to provide to a guest because of the issue they experienced.
Customizing Templates
- Click on the Copy & Customize link next to an existing template.
- Change the Subject Line and/or Text. Remember Main Subject Templates have an opening paragraph and statement of the issue. The Closing is the closing paragraph telling the guest what you are going to do and thanking them for their comments.
- Click Preview to review the format. Check grammar and spelling to ensure no errors. The program does not have a spell check feature.
- Click Add Template after you have reviewed. You will be prompted to name your template. The name on the new template cannot match any name on a Company Wide or previously produced Property Template. All templates must have their own unique name.
- View your new templates either under Main Subject – Property Specific or Closing – Property Specific.
- Pair any Main Subject Template with any Closing Template as a response to the guest/planner.
- Edit or copy Property Specific Templates by repeating the above steps at any time.
NOTE: Notice the symbol <> with the # and words? We can automatically merge the following things in templates:
- <#PropertyName> - the name of your hotel
- <#PropertyCity> - the city of your hotel
- <#UserFullName> - the name of the logged-in UniFocus user who's sending the response. This can be set/confirmed in the Administration tab under "Your Profile."
- <#Description> - the user description of the logged-in UniFocus user. This can be set in the Administration tab under "Your Profile."
Respond to Surveys from email
If you are setup to receive email notifications included completed surveys from UniFocus (you can get all surveys or just negative ones), you may respond to the surveys from the actual email you receive. At the bottom of the email (see below) you will have the options to choose your Main Subject letter and Closing signature. When you choose which ones to send you will be asked to login and to the system for responding to surveys.
- Choose the Main Subject and Closing from the drop down and ensure the Send Via option is Email.
- Click box to customize if you wish to preview the letter and modify it before sending.
- Click Respond. This will prompt you to log into UniFocus and bring up the guest's survey with the chosen letters that you have picked to send.
- You can edit the response (if needed) and send it.
Respond to Surveys from The Survey Response System on Website
The Respond to Surveys link allows you to respond quickly to several surveys at one time.
- Click on the Respond to Surveys link (shown above)
- Choose your date range. Shorter date ranges works best.
- Select to filter by All Surveys or Surveys with Negative Answers. NOTE: A survey with only 1 negative answer will be classified within Surveys with Negative Answers. A negative answer is any response that is below Neutral (a 4 or below on a 7 point scale).
- Click Run Report – this will show all surveys for that date range in the queue that have not been responded to.
This report displays:
- Guest/Planner's name
- Date and time the survey was completed
- Selected responses and comments from the survey
Locate the guest you want to respond to and click the box to select:
Then scroll to the bottom of their survey to the response area:
- Choose the Main Subject Template
- Choose the Closing template
- Leave the send via Email
- Click the Personalize Check Box
- IMPORTANT: If you DO NOT CHECK the Personalize box, the letter will be immediately sent to the guest/planner via email.
After you make your selections responses you wish to send, scroll to the bottom and click the "Send Selected Responses" button:
This will allow you to customize any letter that you clicked to "Personalize" and immediately send any that you did not select to "Personalize".
If this survey does not require a response to be sent – you can select the main template **No Response Needed (OK'd)
Personalizing your email response
- Personalize message
- Change templates
- Run spell check
- Change font
The final step to send the email to the guest is clicking on Send Responses from this screen.
Respond to Surveys from the Survey itself on website
If at any point you are looking at a specific survey, you can respond directly to it at that point or review the response that was sent.
- Click on the Guest Response System tab
- Select the templates
- Review and Personalize if necessary
- Send Response
If a response is not needed, simply select the option to Leave a Note.
The Survey Response System automatically keeps a copy of all email responses sent.
Specific reports in the Survey Response System:
- Activity Report – shows the number of surveys that have been responded to over a chosen date range
- Response Time – shows the amount of time on average it took to respond to surveys
- Response History – shows the actual letters that were sent
- Classification Summary – recaps the number of survey responses by type of template (i.e. apology, refund, thank you, etc.)
UniFocus Support
For support on the Survey Response System you may reach us at the following:
Thank you for your business and partnership.