Controlling the Statistics view

Controlling the Statistics view

You use the column menu in the left pane of the Statistics view to sort and filter the information that is displayed in the schedule pane. 

To open the Statistics column menu:

  1. In the right corner of the Statistics view left pane, click the arrow (  ).
    A fly-out menu appears. 
  2. Sort and/or filter as necessary.
    For more information, see Option descriptions for the left pane menu of the Statistics view

Option descriptions for the left pane menu of the Statistics view

Sort Ascending

Sorts information in the following ways:

  • If Group by Type is selected, sort statistic type names in alphabetical order.
  • If Group by Job is selected, sort jobs in alphabetical order.
Sort Descending

Sorts information in the following ways: 

  • If Group by Type is selected, sort statistic type names in reverse alphabetical order.
  • If Group by Job is selected, sort jobs in reverse alphabetical order.
Group by Type

Select to display the aggregate statistics for all selected jobs.

You click the triangle ( ) to expand each statistic type and display the information for that statistic for all of the selected jobs.

Default: Group by Type.  

The following statistic types are selected by default from the Filter Types fly-out menu:

  • System Projected Hours
  • Managers' Planned Hours
  • Scheduled Hours
  • Coverage Percent

Group by Job

Select to display the selected statistics for each job.

You click the triangle ( ) to expand each job and display the information for the selected statistics.

Filter Types

Opens a fly-out menu to select the following options:

  • System Projected Hours—Projected hours, or the total of all system planned shifts.
  • Managers' Planned HoursTotal of all manager planned shifts.
  • Scheduled HoursShift hours assigned to employees for the scheduled for period.
  • System Projected CoverageNumber of employees for each hour of the day called for by the system plan.
  • Manager's Planned CoverageNumber of employees for each hour of the day called for by the manager plan.
  • Scheduled CoverageNumber of employees scheduled for each hour of the day.
  • Coverage PercentPercentage of the system planned hours for the day that are covered by the schedule.
  • KBIsThe forecasted values for the KBIs associated with the labor standards for the selected jobs. Using this filter option, you can see forecast business volumes while scheduling. 

The following statistic types are selected by default:

  • System Projected Hours
  • Managers' Planned Hours
  • Scheduled Hours
  • Coverage Percent

Opens a fly-out menu to select the following options:

  • HoursDisplays hours statistics, which include the following:
    • System Projected HoursProjected hours, or the total of all system planned shifts.
    • Managers' Planned HoursTotal of all manager planned shifts.
    • Scheduled HoursShift hours assigned to employees for the scheduled for period.
    • Coverage PercentPercentage of the system planned hours for the day that are covered by the schedule.
  • CoverageDisplays coverage statistics, which include the following:
    • System Projected CoverageNumber of employees for each hour of the day called for by the system plan.
    • Manager's Planned CoverageNumber of employees for each hour of the day called for by the manager plan.
    • Scheduled CoverageNumber of employees scheduled for each hour of the day.
    • Coverage PercentPercentage of the system planned hours for the day that are covered by the schedule.
  • KBIsSelect to view only KBIs. This preset is helpful in comparing shifts to KBIs without searching for the KBIs.
  • AllDisplays all statistics types.

Presets provide a faster way of displaying commonly viewed statistics.

Default: Hours.

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