Clone From dialog box

Clone From dialog box

Use the Clone From dialog box to copy the settings from an existing user to a new user. 

Note: The complete title of the Clone From dialog box includes the email address of the user that you are cloning. For example, if you are cloning John Doe from Example Company, the title of the dialog box might be Clone From jdoe@example.com.

Assign ToLocation to which the cloned user is assigned.READ-ONLY.
User Name

Name that the new user enters to log in to the UniFocus single sign-on screen.

First NameFirst name of the new user.REQUIRED.
Last NameLast name of the new user.REQUIRED.
Email AddressEmail address of the new user.REQUIRED.
Confirm Email AddressReenter the email address of the new user.REQUIRED.
PasswordNew user's password for UniFocus logins.REQUIRED.
Confirm PasswordReenter the new user's password for UniFocus logins.REQUIRED.
CancelCancels your entries and closes the Clone From dialog box.
SaveSaves your entries, adds the new user, and closes the Clone From dialog box. 

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