User Administration screen

The User Administration screen consists of three main sections:

  1. Header section
  2. List pane
  3. Details pane 

* Personally identifiable information has been obscured in the above image.

1Header section

This sections contains the following fields and controls:

  • Sign out ( )—Signs you out of the User Administration application.
  • Select a LocationSelect your company or property from the drop-down menu.

  • TabsThree tabs are available on the User Administration screen:

Click the links above for more information.

2List pane

Depending on your tab selection, this section contains the following:

  • User listA list of all users. Selecting a user in the list opens the User Details pane for the selected user.
  • Project listA list of your company's projects and the number of users who can view the dashboards for those projects. Selecting a project in the list opens the Project Details pane for the selected project.
  • Notification listA list of all email notification types associated with projects. Selecting a notification type in the list opens the Email Notification Details pane for the selected notification type.

Click the links above for more information.

3Details pane

The information in the details pane depends on the following:

  1. Which tab you select.
  2. Which item you select in the resulting list pane.

The details panes include:

  • User DetailsThis pane displays details for the selected user. Use the pane to edit details and manage permissions and notifications for the selected user.
  • Project DetailsThis pane displays details for the selected project. Use the pane to manage users' permissions for the selected project.
  • Email Notification DetailsThis pane displays details for the selected notification type. Use this pane to manage notifications for users.

Click the links above for more information.

Note: The details pane is collapsed when you first open User Administration application.