Accrual Expiration
The Banked Hours Expiration Report displays a list of employees who have banked hours expiring within the time frame you designate. This information is helpful because if an employee does not use their banked hours before they expire, you will have to pay the employee time and a half (or whatever your company policy is). Conversely, if the employee has borrowed against banked hours with a resulting deficit, you will be paying for time the employee did not work when the hours expire.
Key Information
- Displays the Employee Name/ID, as well as the Contract Hours (the number of hours an employee is required to work before accumulating banked hours), Current Balance (the number of banked hours the employee currently has available), number of Expiring Hours and the Expiration Date of the banked hours.
- Information is displayed by Division, Department or Job, or by Employee Name.
Report Options
Option | Description |
Number of Accrual Periods Out | Determine the time frame for which you wish to see the expiring hours. |
Accrual Earning | Select the type of earning to view in the report. |
Filter by | Determine how you want the information to be displayed on the report. Data can be displayed by divisions, departments, jobs or employees. If you choose Employee, you will have the option to select Show All Employees. If selected, you will see all active and inactive employees in the list. If not selected, only active employees will be displayed. |
Running the Report
To run the report:
- Choose Labor Scheduling from the Reports menu and select Banked Hours Expiration Report. The Options dialog box appears.
- Enter the number of days for Hours expiring in.
- Determine if you wish the report to have page breaks, and if so, where.
- Select Division, Department, Job or Employee from the Filter By drop-down.
- Select the Division(s), Department(s), Job(s) or Employee(s) you wish to include in the report.
- Click OK . The report is displayed.
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